forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I'm apparently meeting my family at Olive garden and I'm in jeans, sneakers, and a Harry Potter sweatshirt pullover thing so…..that's gonna be fun

Deleted user

I’ve just been drawing shit and I was just doing things. Bruh I’m so bored. I have nothing to do.

Deleted user

Just woke up or smth, there is a new painting on my wall that I didn't do, but my art stuff is out.
So I'm confused.

@saor_illust school

I need someone to tell me to stop procrastinating on the many things I need to do and go do them but hey, I'd rather do Notebook than actually do those things… Notebook is much more fun lol

Deleted user

I need someone to tell me to stop procrastinating on the many things I need to do and go do them but hey, I'd rather do Notebook than actually do those things… Notebook is much more fun lol

Agreed. I love doing things on notebook

Deleted user

When your mom literally walks into your room while you're on your laptop instead of sleeping but she doesn't notice lmaooooooo


why am i so worthless

You're not, That's the answer to the question, You're not. If you even attempt to do good, you have worth, if you attempt to do anything you have worth. If you can't look at it from an emotional stand point look at it from a scientific stand point. You Are worth the hundreds of mols of atoms that make up you, that's what you're worth. At the most basic level you are not worthless.


okay… if you say so

I’m just really sick of seeing my friends hurt and not being able to do a thing about it-

those same people would write entire essays to cheer me up yet I can’t even build up the bravery to speak to them half the time…

@saor_illust school

why am i so worthless

Ella hon, you are in no way worthless at all. I know being the mod of the venting chat is actually really tough at times. And yeah, it's hard. But you can get through all of the obstacles Life decides to throw at you. You know why? You're one of the strongest people I know. Reaching out, asking for help. That proves that you aren't worthless at all. And yeah, that simple question you asked, that was a cry for help. You might not've even realized that, but it was. And guess what? We'll be here to support you. Whatever you need, we'll try our best to help out!

@saor_illust school

okay… if you say so

I’m just really sick of seeing my friends hurt and not being able to do a thing about it-

those same people would write entire essays to cheer me up yet I can’t even build up the bravery to speak to them half the time…

oh ella
i know what you mean
i'm sorry… i don't know what to say… what i could do to try to make you feel better…

curse my terrible social skills… why am i like this again? oh yeah, it's because Life hates me


okay… if you say so

I’m just really sick of seeing my friends hurt and not being able to do a thing about it-

those same people would write entire essays to cheer me up yet I can’t even build up the bravery to speak to them half the time…

oh ella
i know what you mean
i'm sorry… i don't know what to say… what i could do to try to make you feel better…

curse my terrible social skills… why am i like this again? oh yeah, it's because Life hates me

Both of you, I've got news for you. You've contributed more than you think around here ehehe and this chat and the Appreciation chat are proof! You don't need to type up a mountain of words to be sincere and make a difference! A sentence is all you really need sometimes.

@Pickles group

There's a view called ecocentrism that says all things have intrinsic value simply by existing
Anthropocentrism basically says that we should use everything in the environment to further ourselves with no regard to how it would affect the environment and humans are the most important thing

So as a human, either way, you aren't worthless