forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

Cat on lap. Can't get ready. Oops

my whole life

I would legit be so happy right now if I did have a cat on my lap…
but sadly I am at school, so no cats for me ;-;

@TeamMezzo group

it's been seven years since my best friend lost his cancer battle. god, i miss him. i wrote a little letter to him, imma post it here. it's kinda sad, fair warning.


god, it's been seven years since that dreaded day. since i lost you. only fitting that my chem's reunion is today, huh? maybe it'll make today easier for once. who knows?

every year on this day, i drive down this old alley behind an abandoned warehouse blasting nana. it's one of my favourite memories with you, and it always makes me smile. i couldn't have been 12 yet, and i probably shouldn't have been listening to that album. and yet, you blasted it. we sped through the alley and lost our voices, smiling wider than we ever had.

it was that day that we gave each other our killjoy names. in that alley, you became major moment. i became atomic diamond. our killjoy names never changed.

i won't be there tonight, at the reunion show, but i know you will be. your ghost ass will break every rule in the book of the dead to be there. i'll be behind the old grocery, the same spot where we gave each other our names. i'll put on disenchanted, probably. it always was your favorite my chem song.

before you died, you told me "if you ever meet the boys, tell them that mcr is what made me smile in chemo. thank you for making the end of my life feel like a brand new start. like phantoms forever." and yeah, i never met them. but i had to say it. i hope you don't mind.

i love you forever, major moment. scream loud enough for the both of us tonight. i miss you so much.

xx atomic diamond

@Pickles group

I love when no one tells you anything or where you're supposed to be and the damn calendar doesn't say anything so no, Bev I can't just look at it

Deleted user

My mom: Stop playing your games! I asked you to do chores!
Me, having just been dissociating and had a sensory overload: Whaaaaa????

@Pickles group

And now I have to wait seventeen minutes until it was supposed to start to see if we actually have it. In the bathroom. Without my headphones because I didn't bring them because I didn't think I'd need them because I wasn't supposed to. I'm actually crying more if no one shows up. And if they do I'm gonna scream. T_T
Although I really don't want to have practice so I hope no one comes. But I think I just heard the door opening. Also our band director came back in for a little bit so it might have been him leaving again. (We have practice in the band room)

@HighPockets group

My legs hurt! Because I'm gay! And have Trouble Sitting Still Disorder™! And so I sit weird! Cause it helps me focus! And now! My leg hurts! Cause of my weird sitting! And its not! Helping! My! Focus!!

Okay take a deep breath Moxie. You have to find a way to sit normally and tough out your senses so you can focus and not injure yourself, with potential long term bodily harm. Sitting in an abnormal fashion could really hurt your body and for a long time, so you gotta stop. I understand that something like that can disturb you and rip your attention from things, but you have to overpower it. You have to breath steadily and focus on whatever you need to and ignore the pain and discomfort. I would also suggest telling other people how that affects you and seek help from whoever you can, whether that be any good parents or guardians you have, or a doctor, just try to get help and overcome your troubles.

Wow, so you're clearly neurotypical.

Why are you insulting me, I'm just showing concern for Moxie having trouble. Just trying to help in any way possible.

Neurotypical isn't an insult??? Lmfao I'm just saying that it's not that easy for someone with ADHD to just stop.

@HighPockets group

Guys, that was like 5 or something pages ago.

Yeah, and I didn't get the chance to reply because I lost connection.
Stay out of it and let me defend myself, you have literally nothing to do with it.

@Echo_6 group

Please be nice. Lashing out at people does nothing but cause more tension, and make people feel a bit like trash. Even the person lashing out.


when someone tells you you deserve to be hated

when people say false crap like that just be extra nice towards them, it’ll either annoy them and prove their words mean nothing to you or it’ll prove to them that they were wrong and they’ll just feel awful for saying it

kindness is the best revenge

Deleted user

when someone tells you you deserve to be hated

when people say false crap like that just be extra nice towards them, it’ll either annoy them and prove their words mean nothing to you or it’ll prove to them that they were wrong and they’ll just feel awful for saying it

kindness is the best revenge

thank you ella I will try that

@Echo_6 group

why am i still crying over noah, it's been seven years since he died. SEVEN! and i'm still crying. i should just get over it shouldn't i?

The death of a loved one is not something you can just "get over" and if people are telling you to get over them they are wrong. It is better to take your own time to let yourself accept it.

@TeamMezzo group

why am i still crying over noah, it's been seven years since he died. SEVEN! and i'm still crying. i should just get over it shouldn't i?

The death of a loved one is not something you can just "get over" and if people are telling you to get over them they are wrong. It is better to take your own time to let yourself accept it.

but seven years. that's a long damn time. i've lived a solid half my life without him. and yet, today comes and hits me like a damn truck. every year, and i always know that it's coming. i knew that december 20th would come. and it still. fucking. hurts. why does it still hurt?

Deleted user

My friend got me a sweatshirt for Christmas and my mom goes "i DoN't kNoW iF yOu CaN aCcEpT tHaT" like wtf????? It was really sweet???????????????