forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Echo_6 group

why am i still crying over noah, it's been seven years since he died. SEVEN! and i'm still crying. i should just get over it shouldn't i?

The death of a loved one is not something you can just "get over" and if people are telling you to get over them they are wrong. It is better to take your own time to let yourself accept it.

but seven years. that's a long damn time. i've lived a solid half my life without him. and yet, today comes and hits me like a damn truck. every year, and i always know that it's coming. i knew that december 20th would come. and it still. fucking. hurts. why does it still hurt?

Because you loved him. It's really that simple. You loved him and you still do. It may take your whole life to finally accept it, and that's okay.

@Moxie group

And because grieving is a long, difficult process. And it’s different for everyone and that’s totally okay. Still missing someone after seven years doesn’t mean your weak. It means you’re a person feeling things that are totally valid. It’s totally okay to be feeling whatever your feeling. I’m sorry for your loss.

@Pickles group

why am i still crying over noah, it's been seven years since he died. SEVEN! and i'm still crying. i should just get over it shouldn't i?

The death of a loved one is not something you can just "get over" and if people are telling you to get over them they are wrong. It is better to take your own time to let yourself accept it.

but seven years. that's a long damn time. i've lived a solid half my life without him. and yet, today comes and hits me like a damn truck. every year, and i always know that it's coming. i knew that december 20th would come. and it still. fucking. hurts. why does it still hurt?

You remember stuff that happened to you when you were seven. That's not worded right. I don't know how to word it. But arguably, seven years isn't really that long. Of course it hurts. You lost someone you loved and today's the "anniversary" I guess. You were young, too. Despite what some media tries to say, death isn't something people just "get over". Grieving is a process. For some people it takes more time, some less. Just because you're still devastated does not make you a wimp or lame, and honestly, if people tell you that, they need to fuck off.

@Pickles group

And because grieving is a long, difficult process. And it’s different for everyone and that’s totally okay. Still missing someone after seven years doesn’t mean your weak. It means you’re a person feeling things that are totally valid. It’s totally okay to be feeling whatever your feeling. I’m sorry for your loss.

me trying to say something and Moxie saying it better, as usual

Deleted user

My friend got me a sweatshirt for Christmas and my mom goes "i DoN't kNoW iF yOu CaN aCcEpT tHaT" like wtf????? It was really sweet???????????????

What’s on the sweatshirt?

It's just a sweatshirt lmao

@Echo_6 group

can we not

Listen to Ella, she's the mod and pretty dang good at it.

You do realize that you're also partially at fault, right?

Again lashing out at people doesn't help, they commented on something, that they maybe shouldn't have, and you lashed out at them for it. Please stop, and just leave it as is, we don't need to break this down into a big fight as it will do no one any good.

@Moxie group

And because grieving is a long, difficult process. And it’s different for everyone and that’s totally okay. Still missing someone after seven years doesn’t mean your weak. It means you’re a person feeling things that are totally valid. It’s totally okay to be feeling whatever your feeling. I’m sorry for your loss.

me trying to say something and Moxie saying it better, as usual

as usual? Thank you?? I didn’t know I was so eloquent.

But like. I’m almost definitely older than you and it’s pretty much my job at school to write things good. You’ll get there, don’t worry buddy ^-^

@Moxie group

If youre talking to me, I don't think so. Unless you're somehow an adult and I'm remembering wrong

Nah, I’m 17. So like almost but not quite

Deleted user

Sexual content warning

Deleted user

Please explain to me why I haven't touched a Barbie in years but I have the sudden urge to dig one out from my garage and cut its hair

Deleted user

one of my friends said something extremely worrying and I don’t know what to do-

I can’t lose them-

What did they say?


they’re on this site and I’m scared if I directly quote them without responding first they might think I saw and didn’t care or something when I’m really just scared I’ll make it worse if I talk


they’re on this site and I’m scared if I directly quote them without responding first they might think I saw and didn’t care or something when I’m really just scared I’ll make it worse if I talk

you could never make it worse by trying to help. Of course they'll know you care Ella! Your such a good hooman bean and you're good at helping other hooman beans. If you want us to help to you can talk to one of us of course also.

@Pickles group

why do people find it so hard to respect other people's boundaries? Like, I don't want to play your game, why are you trying to make me? I don't like you touching me and I'm doing my very best to make it obvious without confronting you so stop. I don't want to be here, so stop acting like I chose to be here because I only came so my parents wouldn't get mad and now I'm crying in the bathroom again because no one will leave me alone and everyone's yelling and it's really loud and this always happens