forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

Hey, I know I'm a bit late to this but I'm just gonna-

Ella, I think I get how you're feeling. I advise you to take a deep breath, try to calm down, and try not to panic. Panicking won't do either of you any good. Now, if you're comfortable sharing, you can share either here in this thread, or in the PMs with someone. I'd advise letting your feelings out somewhere, but if you're just not feeling comfortable doing that, that's completely okay too. How about instead, you vent out your feelings (if you're not comfortable with sharing) on a piece of paper or somewhere else where that friend won't see and you might feel a little bit better.

@Pickles group

Oh my God this women came after me and I have no clue who she is and she's telling me to come out just screw off I don't even know who you are

@saor_illust school

Oh my God this women came after me and I have no clue who she is and she's telling me to come out just screw off I don't even know who you are

the actual heck?? are you not at home?

@Pickles group

Like, another lady just walked in, asked if I was okay and said, "Just need to be alone? Okay, I'll leave you alone," and walked out. That's a whole lot easier than this woman give it up. She has no idea who I am or how stubborn I am. I will not leave this stall until you leave the building. She was like, what if your parents come and you aren't out there? Like… I drove??? They're on a date, they ain't coming here


why do people find it so hard to respect other people's boundaries? Like, I don't want to play your game, why are you trying to make me? I don't like you touching me and I'm doing my very best to make it obvious without confronting you so stop. I don't want to be here, so stop acting like I chose to be here because I only came so my parents wouldn't get mad and now I'm crying in the bathroom again because no one will leave me alone and everyone's yelling and it's really loud and this always happens

I totally know what you're talking about. At that point, you just need to stand up for yourself and tell them no because this will happen. You need to be strong, and I know it'll be hard because I'm currently in the process of learning how to speak up for myself in situations like this myself.
Where are you at then? I would tell your parents you'd like to go home if possible and if you, unfortunately, have to stay there longer I would find a cozy, mostly empty if not fully empty room, you can sit in and keep to yourself in until you're ready to face everyone else again.

@Pickles group

She followed me and was like, "what are you doing?" And I said, "going to the bathroom?" Because you know, I'm in the bathroom. And she said "really? You've been in there a long time" and at that point it had only been two minutes. Now it's been more like ten but she's still in here and I'm not leaving until she's gone or until my face isn't red anymore and I can just leave this whole place

@Pickles group

Who was trying to make you do it? I know I sound like such a mom but was it possible to walk away either? (I'm sorry if I'm making this worse with my bad advice)

My entire "team", even though we all said we didn't want to, and all the adults

Deleted user

Me: Ripping photos of my toxic ex best friend and I off my wall while playing Eminem at full volume

Also me: I'm fine


Me: Ripping photos of my toxic ex best friend and I off my wall while playing Eminem at full volume

Also me: I'm fine

(in the most loving and caring way possible and you can always talk to us when you're ready and when you need to)

Deleted user

Me: Ripping photos of my toxic ex best friend and I off my wall while playing Eminem at full volume

Also me: I'm fine

(in the most loving and caring way possible and you can always talk to us when you're ready and when you need to)

Thank you babe

@HighPockets group

can we not

Listen to Ella, she's the mod and pretty dang good at it.

You do realize that you're also partially at fault, right?

Again lashing out at people doesn't help, they commented on something, that they maybe shouldn't have, and you lashed out at them for it. Please stop, and just leave it as is, we don't need to break this down into a big fight as it will do no one any good.

Sorry, I just don't want to take all the blame for something that's, you know, a two person issue. I get enough of that at home, so stay out of it. You weren't even involved, and that's hardly "lAsHiNg oUt!"


or maybe you don’t have to “defend yourself” against someone telling you to stop just because you think they’re part of the problem even though you said there wasn’t even a problem to begin with, seriously what even is this argument-

also, this “defending” is interrupting the purpose of this chat

which is kind of against the rules

plus I, the moderator, told you to not…

just saying


There's just an Argue Wasteland so I'll start something.

I had to get dressed up for going to my cousin's house
i actually didn't want to i just want them to like me