forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


everyone gets all weird about my tree and i have to like, take a second to remember that my family's just weird and most people don't hang their trees on the ceiling. glad y'all like it tho

Deleted user

also, we updated our notebook user to the correct name FINALLY only took me forever aha

@saor_illust school

so um
i've come for assistance
so… my very very close online friend learned quite recently that his aunt got diagnosed with cancer and even more recently that his aunt might not last long
if you don't know already, i'm terrible at trying to comfort people because i have bad social skills but that's not the point
so… what should i say? i've already sent him something that i hope will help but idk because i'm terrible at this but oh well

@saor_illust school

(it's fine cam)
thanks shuri

on a side note, i'm really getting the feels
a webtoon started this whole round off and then there was that situation and aghhh idk

Deleted user

okay children, nia is having a fuckin' rough time so if anyone is willing to talk to them let me know

@saor_illust school

definitely up to the task
may have spotty replies of up to around ten minutes but that's because i'm also dealing with two other things that require me to type a lot as well

@TeamMezzo group

also i'm relating to the song never bloom again by waterparks a lot, even though the breakup was a month and a half ago i miss her still but i know it wasn't healthy and ah