forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


aight i've got this stupid fuckin chem test in fourth period and after that im A FREE MAN BABEY
i have tomorrow when we come and eat and watch movies and then it's CHRISTMAS BREAK BABEY

@Pickles group

no i've been studying for a week lmao

I've barely studied for any of my exams and imma scream but I've been cleaning instead so at least I was kind of productive? Maybe?

Deleted user


Deleted user

No, the thicc girl. She ripped up a responsible band students paper because students took his paper out of the inbox, without his knowledge, and he was punished, not the cheaters. THE FUCK?

@Moxie group

My legs hurt! Because I'm gay! And have Trouble Sitting Still Disorder™! And so I sit weird! Cause it helps me focus! And now! My leg hurts! Cause of my weird sitting! And its not! Helping! My! Focus!!

Okay take a deep breath Moxie. You have to find a way to sit normally and tough out your senses so you can focus and not injure yourself, with potential long term bodily harm. Sitting in an abnormal fashion could really hurt your body and for a long time, so you gotta stop. I understand that something like that can disturb you and rip your attention from things, but you have to overpower it. You have to breath steadily and focus on whatever you need to and ignore the pain and discomfort. I would also suggest telling other people how that affects you and seek help from whoever you can, whether that be any good parents or guardians you have, or a doctor, just try to get help and overcome your troubles.

I really appreciate you trying to help me but my brain does not work like that. Its really hard to understand if you don't have focus issues but when my brain wants me to sit a certain way, I have to listen. It's not something I can overpower if I have any hope of focusing at all. And even when I do sit weird, its still really hard to focus. I'm not being lazy, and its not something I can help. It just happens. But I appreciate the concern

Deleted user

I got confused and turned in a test with my answer being bruh on a question. Lol I’m fucked

Deleted user

My legs hurt! Because I'm gay! And have Trouble Sitting Still Disorder™! And so I sit weird! Cause it helps me focus! And now! My leg hurts! Cause of my weird sitting! And its not! Helping! My! Focus!!

Okay take a deep breath Moxie. You have to find a way to sit normally and tough out your senses so you can focus and not injure yourself, with potential long term bodily harm. Sitting in an abnormal fashion could really hurt your body and for a long time, so you gotta stop. I understand that something like that can disturb you and rip your attention from things, but you have to overpower it. You have to breath steadily and focus on whatever you need to and ignore the pain and discomfort. I would also suggest telling other people how that affects you and seek help from whoever you can, whether that be any good parents or guardians you have, or a doctor, just try to get help and overcome your troubles.

I really appreciate you trying to help me but my brain does not work like that. Its really hard to understand if you don't have focus issues but when my brain wants me to sit a certain way, I have to listen. It's not something I can overpower if I have any hope of focusing at all. And even when I do sit weird, its still really hard to focus. I'm not being lazy, and its not something I can help. It just happens. But I appreciate the concern

lol this advice tho–