forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


OOf so I got out of volleyball last night because I'm sick and if physical activity makes me feel like I'm about to cough out a lung. Fun fun!
(Hopefully, I'm not still sick tomorrow because I want to go to practice tomorrow and It's me and my other teammates birthday)

@Pickles group

Apparently my sister doesn't know how to close her damn car door. She was like "it is closed" and I was like "clearly it's NOT because the car is beeping at me telling me its open" and she fucking insisted it was closed and that there was nothing stopping it from shutting all the way and when I had to stop and reach over her to close it because she couldn't get it closed, it worked just fucking fine. And then she glared at me the rest of the way, like, bitch close your own damn door??? And I asked her to text our parents that we were here because it's her job even though she hasn't done it for the past month and a half and once again she DIDN'T like I drove asshole do your own fucking job

@Kie group

Alrightie, so finals are today, tomorrow, and overmorrow.

Since we had a snow day yesterday and the day before, finals can't hurt your grade. While this isn't a bad thing for kids who know the content, the kids that are absolutely sucking will get to stay in certain classes (I'm in a class from which you can be dropped if you don't make at least a D). Another problem I have with it is that there will be people who won't even try on the finals, which isn't a good habit to learn.

Even though there are classes in which I probably wouldn't do well, I'd rather it be for a grade no matter what so people would be forced to try and understand things they previously hadn't.

Deleted user

I’ve been suffering for a while now. I’ve been ignoring people, wanting to be left alone, not staying on a schedule, neglecting my medication. I’m a mess right now.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I’ve been suffering for a while now. I’ve been ignoring people, wanting to be left alone, not staying on a schedule, neglecting my medication. I’m a mess right now.

Ahhh, yes. That sounds like big fun. Just remember that I'm here for you though, okay?

Deleted user

I’ve been suffering for a while now. I’ve been ignoring people, wanting to be left alone, not staying on a schedule, neglecting my medication. I’m a mess right now.




I’ve been suffering for a while now. I’ve been ignoring people, wanting to be left alone, not staying on a schedule, neglecting my medication. I’m a mess right now.



I am watching U


anyone know what i can do if i accidentally drank like half a cup of tainted water bc of the construction runoff in front of the school haha

Deleted user

I’d call Poison Control Center if you live in the states: (800)222-1222


i mean i'm vaguely sick but i have anxiety so stomachaches are entirely normal for me so i Literally can't tell because on top of that im also sleep deprived and have a cold so hey :)))

@saor_illust school

but technically you don't lose it
it stays there until you renew the subscription

but you should totally try spotify. i literally just rediscovered it and it's heckin' amazing


Dad isn’t going to renew the subscription cause it’s too much money
(And I made a list of what I lost and what I still have and I lost over half of it)

Maybe. I’ll ask my parents when they get home. You don’t have to pay anything for the music do you?

@saor_illust school


nope! and that's honestly the best part. i mean, there's still spotify premium but that literally only gets rid of the occasional ad every now and then. i've been using spotify to listen to music for what, the last hour or so? and i haven't gotten any ads. so, that's awesome



nope! and that's honestly the best part. i mean, there's still spotify premium but that literally only gets rid of the occasional ad every now and then. i've been using spotify to listen to music for what, the last hour or so? and i haven't gotten any ads. so, that's awesome

Oh ok! I brought it up to my parents and they mentioned Spotify premium, which we thought was like amazon music unlimited

Deleted user


nope! and that's honestly the best part. i mean, there's still spotify premium but that literally only gets rid of the occasional ad every now and then. i've been using spotify to listen to music for what, the last hour or so? and i haven't gotten any ads. so, that's awesome

Oh ok! I brought it up to my parents and they mentioned Spotify premium, which we thought was like amazon music unlimited

My parents have the premium plan and you can listen to music on the go and stuff too

I know it's relatively inexpensive for a family plan, too, your parents can use it and stuff too