forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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so you remember that ex I was talking about? he just texted me and I'm absolutely panicking

What about?

he just responded to something I posted on my social media and then asked how I was doing

this is the first time we've spoken since the fight we had where I messed up extremely badly, he didn't take it well, and he eventually just stopped responding to my messages

oh god he responded ohnoohnoohno

@Pickles group

Take a deep breath and maybe go do something else until you've calmed down. You don't have to respond right away i mean, if it were me, if kick his ass to the curb but you know. Just me


No, it's SO cliché but you could NOT possibly understand how amazing he is, he could just be a bit unforgiving sometimes, he kind of has some trust issues and I just fucked up and trusted somebody else over him to tell me what to do and so technically I left him first only because I thought I had evidence he was cheating on me but that's a whole other story and then once I found out I was wrong he kind of said that I obviously never loved him in the first place and-

Yeah once I type it all out this does sound a tad… strange

But I really did give so much to him and he was always so good to me, he wasn't just my boyfriend he was my best (only?) friend and I can't lose him twice


If he's leaving you on read and being passive aggressive, no offense, but he can't be that great

I really hurt him though, I know I did, and- and the sad part is he's literally gone around talking to everybody else who started the drama, e.g. his ex who lied to me and faked proof of him cheating on me so she could have another shot with him, and he completely forgave all of them but not me and I don't understand anything anymore


If he's leaving you on read and being passive aggressive, no offense, but he can't be that great

I really hurt him though, I know I did, and- and the sad part is he's literally gone around talking to everybody else who started the drama, e.g. his ex who lied to me and faked proof of him cheating on me so she could have another shot with him, and he completely forgave all of them but not me and I don't understand anything anymore

He's a good person. He's a wonderful person. He's so kind to everybody, he's so caring and sweet and passionate, he wrote me poems, he showed up at my house on my birthday to surprise me, he loved my cats and called my father 'sir' and he made stupid jokes and told me fun facts and let me tell him fun facts and cared about my fun facts and he's everything I've ever wanted, and this is… okay, it's not totally uncharacteristic of him but he said he loved me I'm filling the naive teenage girl stereotype here but bear with me and I can't believe that he would take two weeks, two weeks, and then come back just to hurt me again

@Moxie group

If he's leaving you on read and being passive aggressive, no offense, but he can't be that great

I really hurt him though, I know I did, and- and the sad part is he's literally gone around talking to everybody else who started the drama, e.g. his ex who lied to me and faked proof of him cheating on me so she could have another shot with him, and he completely forgave all of them but not me and I don't understand anything anymore

He's a good person. He's a wonderful person. He's so kind to everybody, he's so caring and sweet and passionate, he wrote me poems, he showed up at my house on my birthday to surprise me, he loved my cats and called my father 'sir' and he made stupid jokes and told me fun facts and let me tell him fun facts and cared about my fun facts and he's everything I've ever wanted, and this is… okay, it's not totally uncharacteristic of him but he said he loved me I'm filling the naive teenage girl stereotype here but bear with me and I can't believe that he would take two weeks, two weeks, and then come back just to hurt me again

Is he hurting you though?

My ex was amazing. He was so sweet, he loved my dogs even when they barked at him, he waited to watch the new season of our favorite tv show with me even though he had to wait months. He bought me thoughtful presents out of the blue, sent me good night and good morning texts, he sent me wholesome memes. We live in different cities and I wasn’t able to drive so he would always make the 30 minute drive to my house. Once he came to bring me coffee when I was having a bad day. He got a job in my city on purpose so we could hang out.

But he was also … not great sometimes. When we were walking in the hallway at school he would put his arm around me whenever my friends came to talk to me. He pressured me into things I didn’t really want to do. He didn’t respect when I didn’t want to hold his hand or give him a hug. He made me choose between sitting with him and sitting with my friends. He frequently called one of my best friends awful things and expected me to agree with him.

People can still be kind, sweet, amazing people who love you and do great things for you and still be assholes who make you feel bad.

Deleted user

I need another surgery and it might make me permanently lose feeling in half of my head

@Mojack group

I need surgery to get 3-4 teeth removed plus tooth shards on the inside of my gums (Which at least I’ll be asleep for, I’m just worried about the IV is all. I’ve never liked needles but I’ve never had an IV in before so I don’t know what to expect. It’ll be a few months from now though before I get surgery though, we still need to make the appointment for it but we’re hoping to get it done during the summer so I get used to it because I know I’ll be sore)

And then braces for 26-30 months (which will be done soon after the surgery)

Then a bridge in my mouth (which will be done after the braces)

I sure love having several teeth problems!

@The-Magician group

The only issue I have when it comes to teeth is the fact that I needed a filling. My dentist put it in, than about 6 months later put it in again in the same place, and she has to do it again because it’s come loose!
And to make matters worse, I’m resistant to the numbing anaesthetic…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I had four teeth removed before because they're big as fuck, and would have already had braces put in if not for the fact my family can't afford them. Also, a very high probability I'm going to have gums grafted on at some point because of the receeding gum disease that runs in the family (younger brother had this done when he was …7? 8? Young)

@Mojack group

Here’s an overview of my past problems (that I remember)
Two broken adult teeth, last year
Microdontia in one tooth
3 missing adult teeth
3 wisdom teeth
Adult teeth growing behind baby teeth
Crooked teeth somewhat
Baby teeth not falling out
Baby teeth starting to wear away
Tooth shards
Very late twelve year molars (I JUST started getting them)
Very late adult teeth (luckily I started getting them years ago, but still)
Sensitive teeth
Sensitive gums
Baby teeth wearing away with no adult teeth under them…

And that’s all I can scrape out of my mind.

@Pickles group

@Mojack IVs are like… In my experience, there's a pinch for a second and then the liquid is cold, which doesn't hurt but is kind of unpleasant and then you'll wake up, probably not be actually awake, and then you'll really wake up in the car a little bit later and not remember it. If I understand what you're talking about correctly
You'll be fine

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I had to do a dance today, and I got nervous and forgot everything. Then something went seriously wrong within my body and I had to walk offstage. After the dance, I then proceeded to get bombarded with "why'd you mess up?" and "I'm disappointed" and things like that. I had a medical emergency on stage and you going to insist on shaming me?