forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I tried to explain to her the severity of what’s going on but I didn’t use the best example and she doesn’t believe a word I said…

She doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with me and doesn’t want to get me help

she just gave me some Korean drama recommendations, talked about her essential oils, and told me to go to bed

which, I mean, I guess there’s worse possible outcomes, but wow there goes all my hope that things will magically get better after the holidays

you know, the one little hope that was keeping me from hurting myself?

@Moxie group

Shit, I'm so sorry Ella. And I'm sorry you can't get the help you need.
So many parents don't believe you about mental health problems and it sucks and I'm sorry.
Do you have a phone?

Deleted user

I tried to explain to her the severity of what’s going on but I didn’t use the best example and she doesn’t believe a word I said…

She doesn’t believe there’s anything wrong with me and doesn’t want to get me help

she just gave me some Korean drama recommendations, talked about her essential oils, and told me to go to bed

which, I mean, I guess there’s worse possible outcomes, but wow there goes all my hope that things will magically get better after the holidays

you know, the one little hope that was keeping me from hurting myself?

hey, it's going to be alright kid. It may seem really disappointing, having tried to open up to your parents about your problems and not having gotten the response you wanted to get. I know it's really hard but you're going to have to do us all a favor and keep pushing through, whether you feel like you want to self destruct or not. It's not easy, but I promise you it does get better as you grow up.

also, I just want to throw in a little apology on how aggressive I was at trying to encourage you last time. I should have been a little more sympathetic towards your cause, but I wasn't, so I apologize.

that aside, if you really feel like you're going to end up hurting yourself again, find someone you can confide in and talk to them, they don't have to be your parents. if anything, your parents probably won't understand as well as someone your age would, someone that knows how hard this is going for you.

from my own experience, my mother is anything but a trusting person I can tell my problems to. I don't really have anyone who I can talk about these things without getting a huge reaction out of them, which most of the time is negative. I, however, do talk to someone on here and she helps me get through rough times even though she can't really do much, but trust me when I say that a few encouraging words can go a long way.

I would suggest finding someone like that, whether that be on here on notebook or someone in your life. im not sure what else I could say, but hey, I can always offer to listen and give you my opinion on certain things if you'd like. I really hope you'll be okay kid, just remember that you have a bunch of people on here that really hella mega care for you because you're a sweet person.

@Moxie group

I do… why?

Cause there's this app called calm harm that might help you with some things. Maybe. Idk the extent of your situation

Would your mom find out about that or be weird about it if she did?


thank you guys…

I’ve calmed down a bit now

also, I just want to throw in a little apology on how aggressive I was at trying to encourage you last time. I should have been a little more sympathetic towards your cause, but I wasn't, so I apologize.

It’s okay, really, honestly that “aggressive encouragement” was possibly one of the most helpful things I’ve ever received-


I do… why?

Cause there's this app called calm harm that might help you with some things. Maybe. Idk the extent of your situation

Would your mom find out about that or be weird about it if she did?

I would but after this situation I’m not sure if I want to download any apps related to mental health…

I’d rather not explain

Deleted user

Me: Should be asleep. Should have been asleep an hour and a half ago.

Me: Is extremely tired.

Me: Bangs head against wall and has no reaction.

Also Me: s l e e p i s o v e r r a t e d

Deleted user

thank you guys…

I’ve calmed down a bit now

also, I just want to throw in a little apology on how aggressive I was at trying to encourage you last time. I should have been a little more sympathetic towards your cause, but I wasn't, so I apologize.

It’s okay, really, honestly that “aggressive encouragement” was possibly one of the most helpful things I’ve ever received-

oh um well, im glad i was able to help, if only a little

Deleted user

I’m not gonna use this time to study, but rather watch youtube

Deleted user

lmao i saw your thing and i was like


it snows in MD!!!!!,,,,,l,,,

Deleted user

I tried to fall back to sleep because of the delay, my body said fuck you. Help me please. :’)

@TeamMezzo group

laughs in extra sleep because two hour delay

i fucking wISH
there's snow on the ground and half the bus drivers are old ladies(including mine) so hopefully we won't crash