forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


i fucking hate my family im so tired i just wanna go somewhere else i cant wait six fucking months until i go live with my best friends i can't do this i'll just go die in a bog

@Mojack group

I know you guys are telling the truth but I keep thinking back to 10+ years ago when someone told the same thing to me about needles and it hurt like hell when they did the needle

@Pickles group

Yeah, it hurts but then you pass out and when you wake up it's a little sore. It hurts more when you're actually awake the whole time
Also, it was a long time ago, so you probably have a higher pain tolerance now

Deleted user

IVs aren't bad at all

And yeah, they really aren't.


I’ve had so many IVs cus I’ve had a lot of infections. It’s honestly not that bad. It’s like getting a shot but the needle is so much smaller, you’ll hardly feel a thing.

Now piclines

those shits hurt

@Mojack group

I got stuck in the bathroom for ten minutes because there was a hold and secure called and as I walked out someone said they saw two police cars and a fire truck outside and I have no clue if it was a drill or not

And yeah I think my pain tolerance is a lot higher now at least

Deleted user

I’ve never wanted t be so alone in my life. The only person I want to see is Mac and Emi. I just want to push away everyone else…


I’ve never wanted t be so alone in my life. The only person I want to see is Mac and Emi. I just want to push away everyone else…

Be okay my Homie I’m currently stuck on the other side of the room.

@TeamMezzo group

IVs aren't bad at all

And yeah, they really aren't.


I’ve had so many IVs cus I’ve had a lot of infections. It’s honestly not that bad. It’s like getting a shot but the needle is so much smaller, you’ll hardly feel a thing.

Now piclines

those shits hurt

piclines suck ass

Deleted user

IVs aren't bad at all

And yeah, they really aren't.


I’ve had so many IVs cus I’ve had a lot of infections. It’s honestly not that bad. It’s like getting a shot but the needle is so much smaller, you’ll hardly feel a thing.

Now piclines

those shits hurt

piclines suck ass

they really do lmao

@Pickles group

they have rainbow sprinkles and I almost texted my friend a picture and said "look I made gay truffles" but I don't want to risk my parents seeing

Deleted user

When you have a vent but you know people are going to get mad at you for it