forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

When one of your best friends has an infected tattoo and told you she was going to go to the hospital but you had to leave school early and {her phone is broken rn} when you text her mom to see if she's okay, her mom doesn't know anything about it

Deleted user


@HighPockets group

I'm so unhealthy wow. I'm just growing my stash of candy and chocolate and I eat way too much every day i need to not

I used to do that every Valentine's Day/Halloween lol
You're not alone

Deleted user

Same person as the tattoo or…?

Her mom texted that back.


Hey! I need to vent, something I've needed to do for a very long time, but haven't been able to because of a long list of self-doubt, self-hate, self-consciousness, and others.
Either way, I'm gonna pull a Pam from The Office and just say what's on my mind anyway. Will I regret it? Most definitely~!
Recently I feel the hate and sadness I've been piling up at the back of my mind have started spilling over into my everyday life. Well, at first I could control it, but now certain unwelcome and quite rude thoughts have been popping up everywhere and ruining any good mood I can come up with!
I've never had the best… (there's a word for it but I can't think of it… ways to deal with your emotions?). So yeah. That's no help.
I feel absolutely terrible about myself all day every day and I've cut myself off from any sort of outside help, because of the exact reason I might need help in the first place. Fun not fun!
Every little tiniest thing I overread and take as an excuse to heap more hate in front of myself, and then I heap more on for heaping some on, and then more, more, more, and more.
I know this is really weird and random… and that's all. This is really weird and random. Sorry.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I've never had the best… (there's a word for it but I can't think of it… ways to deal with your emotions?). So yeah. That's no help.

I think the words you're looking for might be 'coping methods.'

I know this is really weird and random… and that's all. This is really weird and random. Sorry.

This is by no means weird, love. One should not apologize for the things weighing down their heart. I am here to listen and support you no matter what. If you ever feel like there is something that you cannot say here, my PMs are always open. You are beautiful and there is no reason to feel bad about yourself. If the sadness is spilling into your everyday life, then pour it on me. I'm always here to help people. I know this may not mean much coming from someone you don't really know, but I mean this with all that is left of my heart. You are perfect, just the way you are, alright, love?


I'm so unhealthy wow. I'm just growing my stash of candy and chocolate and I eat way too much every day i need to not

big mood

I have like 3 separate decent sized boxes entirely of different candy/chocolate/gum and it's a problem