forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I can hear my mom full-on sobbing in the other room because I admitted to her, out of all things, I forgot to do one homework assignment, and now I'm wondering what is wrong with me

@Pickles group

I love when EVERYONE doesn't tell you anything or include you in anything and all they say is "we explained it on Friday" when they knew full fucking well that you weren't there and weren't informed about anything and now you have to fucking deal with them for an hour and a half and you can't leave. And you aren't involved in what they're doing. Or any of it. Ever. Because no one ever tells you anything.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I love when EVERYONE doesn't tell you anything or include you in anything and all they say is "we explained it on Friday" when they knew full fucking well that you weren't there and weren't informed about anything and now you have to fucking deal with them for an hour and a half and you can't leave. And you aren't involved in what they're doing. Or any of it. Ever. Because no one ever tells you anything.

I've been there so many times.

@Pickles group

Also all anyone talks about in this state is their new phones like shut the fuck up nobody gives a damn. We get you're rich. Go fuck yourself in a ditch

@Pickles group

Isn't it just shit when you have a question you want to ask, but you're too nervous/scared to ask so you shove it right back down your throat?

if it's just a general question, you can pm me if you want and I'll do my best


Wow. Your mom sure is interesting, Bats. I've missed like, over twenty assignments and my dad barely gives a shit.

Yeah. When I told her I was suicidal, thought I might have some kind of mental illness, and wanted therapy, her basic reaction was "okay sure we'll take you to a counselor if it'll help you make honor roll, it's not THAT serious" and then one time she had a complete breakdown and laid in bed crying for two hours because I didn't clean my room

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Wow. Your mom sure is interesting, Bats. I've missed like, over twenty assignments and my dad barely gives a shit.

Yeah. When I told her I was suicidal, thought I might have some kind of mental illness, and wanted therapy, her basic reaction was "okay sure we'll take you to a counselor if it'll help you make honor roll, it's not THAT serious" and then one time she had a complete breakdown and laid in bed crying for two hours because I didn't clean my room

Ummm. . . Wow. That's weird. Maybe the "It's not THAT serious" was her pushing down her overwhelming concern for you? It might have just been shock?


Wow. Your mom sure is interesting, Bats. I've missed like, over twenty assignments and my dad barely gives a shit.

Yeah. When I told her I was suicidal, thought I might have some kind of mental illness, and wanted therapy, her basic reaction was "okay sure we'll take you to a counselor if it'll help you make honor roll, it's not THAT serious" and then one time she had a complete breakdown and laid in bed crying for two hours because I didn't clean my room

Ummm. . . Wow. That's weird. Maybe the "It's not THAT serious" was her pushing down her overwhelming concern for you? It might have just been shock?

I mean, I don't know. She does this all the time. Most of the time I doubt she even cares about me as more than just 'daughter-who-I'm-legally-obligated-to-love-and-has-to-get-good-grades-so-someday-she-can-be-rich-and-take-care-of-me-when-I'm-old'.

Deleted user

okay so I actually had a great time

but no thanks to my mom lmao