forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


short rant but also not???
it's not a bad thing i'm just hella nervous-

bc like,,,, i actually made an effort to step out of my comfort zone and MAKE FRIENDS with people that i've 'known' for like a year on a game i've been playing for around 4 years, and it was nice !!!!
but it also sometimes makes me very uncomfortably awkward 'nd shaky 'nd b l e h
but they're so nice and i lov them bc they're my friens now
i'm still too scared to talk to them sometimes but i'm making progress i think

Deleted user

short rant but also not???
it's not a bad thing i'm just hella nervous-

bc like,,,, i actually made an effort to step out of my comfort zone and MAKE FRIENDS with people that i've 'known' for like a year on a game i've been playing for around 4 years, and it was nice !!!!
but it also sometimes makes me very uncomfortably awkward 'nd shaky 'nd b l e h
but they're so nice and i lov them bc they're my friens now
i'm still too scared to talk to them sometimes but i'm making progress i think

Fortunately for you, i have the same dilemma my child

But it's like Izzy said, you'll get used to it, just take it slow kid

It's actually really kind of scary at first but you'll warm up to them and them to you

Just don't make friends with people who are clearly aggressive, things could go really south

And sorry i haven't been there for you lately rainy, I've been so drained, i feel like im at the end of the line with life-

I have similar issues as you concerning your mother..i can't talk to her without getting yelled and insulted at but i guess it is my fault for being this way and not being what she wants me to be- but anyways that's a whole different matter

I just want you to know that im here for you and you have my full support, i love you so much because you are one of the three people on this site that are my favorites to talk with <3 take care of yourself and i hope things get better for you, truly


I do the same thing a lot. I'm a huge introvert and people usually don't understand, so that doesn't seem too rude to me, but you might want to at least try to explain it? I don't know

@Pickles group

My friends and I do that to each other. We just ignore each other's texts and pretend we didn't see them so we don't have to talk to people


I'm not happy, I've just gotten through the past day or two without having a complete breakdown, which had been happening kind of daily for the previous ten or eleven days, and… that… feels… wrong

Deleted user

So, I got my loner flute

It's interesting

Not trash

But the high octaves aren't great

It's an Artley

Beyonce is a Giardinelli

And the case??? Has like three inches of space for the foot joint?? And it really bothers me.

I just know Beyonce, you know? I know it's quirks and all that jazz. This one…

Deleted user

The woman who was working there had her baby with her though {family run company} and her name was Orla and she was sO CUTE

@Pickles group

My kinda not really friend had an artley that was total trash cause it was so old. She used it for marching band until her dad decided to sell it and got her another marching flute. And then didn't sell it after all