forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

My friend volunteered to give me a ride to an event but his mom is really homophobic and I'm just not feeling great


pauses the kpop dance practice video I've been studying intensely for the past three days

I like k-pop and all, but I refuse to shake my hips in front of 100 people.

okay yeah, i wouldn't want to do that either, that sounds like the worst possible hell

Deleted user

focusing is for neurotypical people.
you are among the chosen few that are just better than that shit, man.

Deleted user

focusing is for neurotypical people.
you are among the chosen few that are just better than that shit, man.

Why thank you dagabat.

always <3

Deleted user

Why does this exist, more importantly why do I like it so much.

Deleted user

(Pardon my profanity)


Ok so I’m at a very crowded swim meet, it’s the district meet an there’s like 12 teams there so lots of people, and I’m an anxious child who doesn’t do well with crowds. Anyway, I got overwhelmed, and went off to the side with my friends who were helping me. One stayed with me and the other told the person in authority I was having problems. So far everyone’s doing fine (except me).
The coach comes over and tells my friends to leave me alone, and now I’m exposed and frozen going into full blown panic and I tell him I can’t move. His response: “yes you can, stand up.”
Now I’m curled up in a ball, stiff and crying, and he just f*cking leaves.
Fiveish minutes later, I can barely breathe and am actually losing feeling in my hands and feet when a girl from another school (with a reputation for being snobby rich white kids) comes over and helps me calm down.
Later, the only thing he says to me is “glad you’re feeling better.”
I hate him so much.

@HighPockets group

focusing is for neurotypical people.
you are among the chosen few that are just better than that shit, man.

Laughs in Aspie ADD as I try to focus on homework