forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

To Lizzie: …I don't know what to say either, but… literally all I want is for this situation to be resolved and I'm doing my best and maybe I shouldn't be writing this to you but I don't know where to put this but I feel like nothing I do is going to work and aaaaaaaaaa


@saor_illust school



Let's all just try our best to calm down as best as possible. I know that's not going to be easy at all, or might not even be possible for you Mir at this point. I advise deep breaths, but what do I know I'm terrible at making peace and stuff like that so just ignore these words I guess

@saor_illust school

heyy the relief i needed!

that's awesome rubes (or nina, or whoever this is)!
eeeeek i still have a whole week of school left and i hate english so muchhhhhhh

Deleted user

I'm sorry for not agreeing with Eris 24/7 and not just brushing it off when people are being bitches but this is honestly unbelievable at this point, I am literally sitting in my room sobbing and trying to resist returning to some bad coping mechanisms {yes, I'm talking about goddamn cutting} and this is not what I want to deal with right now.

Deleted user

Sometimes I forget you live on the other side of the world and you say something for a moment I'm like wtf– ohhhh

mood honestly

Deleted user

Sometimes I forget you live on the other side of the world and you say something for a moment I'm like wtf– ohhhh

lmaooo same

it’s the start of winter in the US

Deleted user

yeah, we still cant find ruby, it's nina aha

You may have a disorder but you are still in ruby's body!!!! Therefore that is ruby!!! And I will be calling you ruby because I cannot keep track of who the hell all of you are!!!!!

@saor_illust school

yeah, we still cant find ruby, it's nina aha

is it okay that, until further notice, everytime i address a message from you that isn't labeled with a specific person/alter/whatever they're called sorry i'm so ignorant i say nina?

Deleted user

yeah, we still cant find ruby, it's nina aha

You may have a disorder but you are still in ruby's body!!!! Therefore that is ruby!!! And I will be calling you ruby because I cannot keep track of who the hell all of you are!!!!!

righto dearie

Deleted user

yeah, we still cant find ruby, it's nina aha

is it okay that, until further notice, everytime i address a message from you that isn't labeled with a specific person/alter/whatever they're called sorry i'm so ignorant i say nina?

all good

@saor_illust school

yeah, we still cant find ruby, it's nina aha

is it okay that, until further notice, everytime i address a message from you that isn't labeled with a specific person/alter/whatever they're called sorry i'm so ignorant i say nina?

all good

cool beans

Deleted user

I cannot wrap tiny things. That is my vent for now. It's very frustrating

omg SAME!

the struggle is real

Deleted user

You know what my problem is? In sectionals today I was playing relatively quickly and I was pushing the tempo really fast bc i knew how to play the part and it was like, Emi’s playing too fast!


I’m going the correct tempo you freshie

ofc i understood lmao but it annoyed me for like, two seconds, since they were still learning it

@Pickles group

You know what my problem is? In sectionals today I was playing relatively quickly and I was pushing the tempo really fast bc i knew how to play the part and it was like, Emi’s playing too fast!


I’m going the correct tempo you freshie

ofc i understood lmao but it annoyed me for like, two seconds, since they were still learning it

Me when the last chair freshman who literally cannot read music (like, he's admitted it to several people) tells me that I'm off tempo when I'm jokingly playing something at 200 bpm because it's a marching band joke
I hate sectionals

Deleted user

You know what my problem is? In sectionals today I was playing relatively quickly and I was pushing the tempo really fast bc i knew how to play the part and it was like, Emi’s playing too fast!


I’m going the correct tempo you freshie

ofc i understood lmao but it annoyed me for like, two seconds, since they were still learning it

Me when the last chair freshman who literally cannot read music (like, he's admitted it to several people) tells me that I'm off tempo when I'm jokingly playing something at 200 bpm because it's a marching band joke
I hate sectionals

lmaooo i can imagine

Also i was playing maybe five clicks faster, not even twenty or so where the tempo is supposed to be

and like any rational person who watches their band director, i do better with a tempo in my ears and in my eyes

@saor_illust school

You know what my problem is? In sectionals today I was playing relatively quickly and I was pushing the tempo really fast bc i knew how to play the part and it was like, Emi’s playing too fast!


I’m going the correct tempo you freshie

ofc i understood lmao but it annoyed me for like, two seconds, since they were still learning it


but at least you guys have sectionals
(smal vent incoming, ignore if you want) reeeee it annoys me so much when the ahem second violins don't practice at all and then they wonder why they're so bad at their instrument?? like seriously?? and then there's this one guy who i can't even begin to start with. sure, he's a nice guy and all but when it comes to instrument wise?? he has this absolute terrible bow because it has like three hairs on it max! and regular bows have like, i don't know, maybe a hundred? or five hundred? all i know is that he needs a new bow but he has one at home, the thing is he leaves the violin he uses at school and then uses his sister's old violin at home to practice which happens to have a perfectly good bow!

@saor_illust school

i knowwww

i mean, i understand that i'm definitely more advanced than most of the group, but that doesn't mean that they can at least put in some effort and try!
let's take the section leader of the viola section, we'll call him B. See, he doesn't have a private teacher but at least he always tries to do above and beyond, even if his technique for doing so is absolutely terrible.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

You know what my problem is? In sectionals today I was playing relatively quickly and I was pushing the tempo really fast bc i knew how to play the part and it was like, Emi’s playing too fast!


I’m going the correct tempo you freshie

ofc i understood lmao but it annoyed me for like, two seconds, since they were still learning it


but at least you guys have sectionals
(smal vent incoming, ignore if you want) reeeee it annoys me so much when the ahem second violins don't practice at all and then they wonder why they're so bad at their instrument?? like seriously?? and then there's this one guy who i can't even begin to start with. sure, he's a nice guy and all but when it comes to instrument wise?? he has this absolute terrible bow because it has like three hairs on it max! and regular bows have like, i don't know, maybe a hundred? or five hundred? all i know is that he needs a new bow but he has one at home, the thing is he leaves the violin he uses at school and then uses his sister's old violin at home to practice which happens to have a perfectly good bow!

What? Bruv. What kind of bow only has three hairs? That's stupid. Also, the second violins that I deal with are the exact same. They're so bad, it makes me want to cry/laugh.