forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


yes hi hello smol rant called 'my mother won't wake me up in the morning for school like she always does, and yet expects me to get up on my own???? even though 1. my pills make it hard for me to wake myself up. and 2. i end up sleeping til like 3-4pm if she doesn't wake me up'

i'm really trying my best
but my mom continues to amaze me with these new problems she's making

still love her tho

Even sleeping through alarms?
I'm sorry, buddy. Are you able to hold a conversation with her without explosions/consequences happening? Cuz if so, maybe sit her down and really tell her how much it's bothering you and hopefully come to a conclusion?

@HighPockets group

(Edit: I realize now that I’m a bit late and it’s been hours. Whatever. What I get for writing an actually long vent instead of just a vague, short message hinting that I’m not doing well before disappearing-)

deep inhale

I’m so sick of watching my friends fight…

I don’t want to pick sides
I don’t want to have to choose between you
I don’t want to see my friends hurting
I don’t want to have to watch them leave
I don’t want any of them to feel like they aren’t welcome here
I don’t want the drama anymore
I just want to give everyone a great big hug and make sure they’re all okay and fed and happy and never sad cause when they’re sad I’m sad and I don’t want to be any more miserable than I already am-

You’re my friends… I shouldn’t have to feel bad just for caring about you.
I don’t care what you’ve said.
I don’t care what anyone says.
You’re still humans, and you deserve to be treated as such…

Of course, some of these people I can’t really call “friends” as much as “beans I’ve spoke to like once but somehow managed to become overly attached to”
It’s like puppies, you know? You see them for like 5 seconds, you immediately know they’re a good boi, and next thing you know you have 58 new puppies roaming your house, yet even though there’s so many and they cause so many problems you couldn’t imagine your life without even a single one of them and would murder anyone who dares to hurt them?
That’s how I feel about you beans, so when you hurt each other, I- I… It just tears me apart???

And no matter what happens, this fighting never seems to go away???
Friend group #1 will tell me that group #2 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m not myself
Friend group #2 will tell me that group #1 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m easily manipulated
Both groups are full of amazing people who are always so kind and helpful and I could never imagine life without them-
And neither groups are anywhere close to those titles they’ve been given.
They’re all incredible, lovable beans and I-

I just don’t get it.
How the hell does a worthless little shit like myself deserve forgiveness even after everything I’ve said/done, but my other friends don’t, despite not only having clearly learned their lessons and grown past it but are also like, a million times better humans than I’ll ever be?
It’s not fair…
Either forgive them or hate me too. I don’t care…
not at all

i don’t need you guys

…i’ll be fine…

It’s really upsetting, this is supposed to be a site for writers/roleplayers/worldbuilders to learn, get feedback, make some friends, have fun…
And now some people are too scared to even speak here because they know it’ll just cause drama.
I’m not making that up or exaggerating. Some of my beans have started only replying to my vents/appreciation in PMs out of pure fear that they might say something wrong and that no one will forgive them.
Is this really the community we’ve become???
How can I continue to call notebook this non-toxic happy place while this shit is going on as we speak???

Some of the people who have been caught up in these arguments are really, truly hurt, and when my beans are hurt, I immediately feel this need to give them all the supports because they need to know that I’m there for them, but I can also never give them that support because if I do, people might hate me, plus I absolutely suck at it, but I can’t just watch from the corner without feeling like a complete and total piece of shit, and…
I don’t know.
I’m not making any sense anymore so why do I even bother?
I’m being pathetic again, just ignore me.
There’s nothing I can do about this except grow the fuck up, so it’s not like saying it will change anything.
I’m being a baby.

I’ll shut up now.

Sorry for wasting time…

Nooooo Ella you're not pathetic, you're an amazing bean who deserves only the best. I'm just some pretentious bith from the middle of nowhere lol, you're much better


yes hi hello smol rant called 'my mother won't wake me up in the morning for school like she always does, and yet expects me to get up on my own???? even though 1. my pills make it hard for me to wake myself up. and 2. i end up sleeping til like 3-4pm if she doesn't wake me up'

i'm really trying my best
but my mom continues to amaze me with these new problems she's making

still love her tho

Even sleeping through alarms?
I'm sorry, buddy. Are you able to hold a conversation with her without explosions/consequences happening? Cuz if so, maybe sit her down and really tell her how much it's bothering you and hopefully come to a conclusion?

uknjbrtkjn hi yes i sleep through everything-
honestly,,, it's at a point where idk if i can talk to her without explosions/consequences
but it's completely understandable !!!! so i wouldn't be surprised or as upset as i normally would
i could definitely try tho

also thank you for the advice frien, no matter how smol, it's helpful bc i have opposite of big brain-

Deleted user

I'm in bed and there are definitely some weird noises coming from outside


yes hi hello smol rant called 'my mother won't wake me up in the morning for school like she always does, and yet expects me to get up on my own???? even though 1. my pills make it hard for me to wake myself up. and 2. i end up sleeping til like 3-4pm if she doesn't wake me up'

i'm really trying my best
but my mom continues to amaze me with these new problems she's making

still love her tho

Even sleeping through alarms?
I'm sorry, buddy. Are you able to hold a conversation with her without explosions/consequences happening? Cuz if so, maybe sit her down and really tell her how much it's bothering you and hopefully come to a conclusion?

uknjbrtkjn hi yes i sleep through everything-
honestly,,, it's at a point where idk if i can talk to her without explosions/consequences
but it's completely understandable !!!! so i wouldn't be surprised or as upset as i normally would
i could definitely try tho

also thank you for the advice frien, no matter how smol, it's helpful bc i have opposite of big brain-

Ouch, I'm sorry. Just, please don't be afraid of asserting yourself and your needs, and to try to balance them with your mother. I don't know what's going on, but I do wish you the best of luck in coming to a solution.

It's not the opposite of big brain. It's just that sometimes another point of view from an outsider's perspective can be more helpful than one may think

@saor_illust school

(Edit: I realize now that I’m a bit late and it’s been hours. Whatever. What I get for writing an actually long vent instead of just a vague, short message hinting that I’m not doing well before disappearing-)

deep inhale

I’m so sick of watching my friends fight…

I don’t want to pick sides
I don’t want to have to choose between you
I don’t want to see my friends hurting
I don’t want to have to watch them leave
I don’t want any of them to feel like they aren’t welcome here
I don’t want the drama anymore
I just want to give everyone a great big hug and make sure they’re all okay and fed and happy and never sad cause when they’re sad I’m sad and I don’t want to be any more miserable than I already am-

You’re my friends… I shouldn’t have to feel bad just for caring about you.
I don’t care what you’ve said.
I don’t care what anyone says.
You’re still humans, and you deserve to be treated as such…

Of course, some of these people I can’t really call “friends” as much as “beans I’ve spoke to like once but somehow managed to become overly attached to”
It’s like puppies, you know? You see them for like 5 seconds, you immediately know they’re a good boi, and next thing you know you have 58 new puppies roaming your house, yet even though there’s so many and they cause so many problems you couldn’t imagine your life without even a single one of them and would murder anyone who dares to hurt them?
That’s how I feel about you beans, so when you hurt each other, I- I… It just tears me apart???

And no matter what happens, this fighting never seems to go away???
Friend group #1 will tell me that group #2 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m not myself
Friend group #2 will tell me that group #1 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m easily manipulated
Both groups are full of amazing people who are always so kind and helpful and I could never imagine life without them-
And neither groups are anywhere close to those titles they’ve been given.
They’re all incredible, lovable beans and I-

I just don’t get it.
How the hell does a worthless little shit like myself deserve forgiveness even after everything I’ve said/done, but my other friends don’t, despite not only having clearly learned their lessons and grown past it but are also like, a million times better humans than I’ll ever be?
It’s not fair…
Either forgive them or hate me too. I don’t care…
not at all

i don’t need you guys

…i’ll be fine…

It’s really upsetting, this is supposed to be a site for writers/roleplayers/worldbuilders to learn, get feedback, make some friends, have fun…
And now some people are too scared to even speak here because they know it’ll just cause drama.
I’m not making that up or exaggerating. Some of my beans have started only replying to my vents/appreciation in PMs out of pure fear that they might say something wrong and that no one will forgive them.
Is this really the community we’ve become???
How can I continue to call notebook this non-toxic happy place while this shit is going on as we speak???

Some of the people who have been caught up in these arguments are really, truly hurt, and when my beans are hurt, I immediately feel this need to give them all the supports because they need to know that I’m there for them, but I can also never give them that support because if I do, people might hate me, plus I absolutely suck at it, but I can’t just watch from the corner without feeling like a complete and total piece of shit, and…
I don’t know.
I’m not making any sense anymore so why do I even bother?
I’m being pathetic again, just ignore me.
There’s nothing I can do about this except grow the fuck up, so it’s not like saying it will change anything.
I’m being a baby.

I’ll shut up now.

Sorry for wasting time…

You're not being a baby or wasting time at all. But above all, I'd like to personally thank you, and offer virtual hugs. Because I can't hug you in real life, so that sucks. But if I had the opportunity to do so, I'd give you a nice long hug. We could both use one, as a matter of fact. Now back to when I said I was going to thank you? Yeah, you essentially just said what I've been trying to say over the course of like three posts, but failed and also managed to overwhelm and stress myself out.

@saor_illust school

You know what my problem is? In sectionals today I was playing relatively quickly and I was pushing the tempo really fast bc i knew how to play the part and it was like, Emi’s playing too fast!


I’m going the correct tempo you freshie

ofc i understood lmao but it annoyed me for like, two seconds, since they were still learning it


but at least you guys have sectionals
(smal vent incoming, ignore if you want) reeeee it annoys me so much when the ahem second violins don't practice at all and then they wonder why they're so bad at their instrument?? like seriously?? and then there's this one guy who i can't even begin to start with. sure, he's a nice guy and all but when it comes to instrument wise?? he has this absolute terrible bow because it has like three hairs on it max! and regular bows have like, i don't know, maybe a hundred? or five hundred? all i know is that he needs a new bow but he has one at home, the thing is he leaves the violin he uses at school and then uses his sister's old violin at home to practice which happens to have a perfectly good bow!

What? Bruv. What kind of bow only has three hairs? That's stupid. Also, the second violins that I deal with are the exact same. They're so bad, it makes me want to cry/laugh.

(Ik this is irrelevent now but still-)
Okay, I may have been exaggerating but still. It has about ten-twenty hairs on it and it has a terrible quality and then there's the grip thingy (i think it's called the finger grip) and that's completely ruined

and yeah, ikr?

Deleted user

(Edit: I realize now that I’m a bit late and it’s been hours. Whatever. What I get for writing an actually long vent instead of just a vague, short message hinting that I’m not doing well before disappearing-)

deep inhale

I’m so sick of watching my friends fight…

I don’t want to pick sides
I don’t want to have to choose between you
I don’t want to see my friends hurting
I don’t want to have to watch them leave
I don’t want any of them to feel like they aren’t welcome here
I don’t want the drama anymore
I just want to give everyone a great big hug and make sure they’re all okay and fed and happy and never sad cause when they’re sad I’m sad and I don’t want to be any more miserable than I already am-

You’re my friends… I shouldn’t have to feel bad just for caring about you.
I don’t care what you’ve said.
I don’t care what anyone says.
You’re still humans, and you deserve to be treated as such…

Of course, some of these people I can’t really call “friends” as much as “beans I’ve spoke to like once but somehow managed to become overly attached to”
It’s like puppies, you know? You see them for like 5 seconds, you immediately know they’re a good boi, and next thing you know you have 58 new puppies roaming your house, yet even though there’s so many and they cause so many problems you couldn’t imagine your life without even a single one of them and would murder anyone who dares to hurt them?
That’s how I feel about you beans, so when you hurt each other, I- I… It just tears me apart???

And no matter what happens, this fighting never seems to go away???
Friend group #1 will tell me that group #2 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m not myself
Friend group #2 will tell me that group #1 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m easily manipulated
Both groups are full of amazing people who are always so kind and helpful and I could never imagine life without them-
And neither groups are anywhere close to those titles they’ve been given.
They’re all incredible, lovable beans and I-

I just don’t get it.
How the hell does a worthless little shit like myself deserve forgiveness even after everything I’ve said/done, but my other friends don’t, despite not only having clearly learned their lessons and grown past it but are also like, a million times better humans than I’ll ever be?
It’s not fair…
Either forgive them or hate me too. I don’t care…
not at all

i don’t need you guys

…i’ll be fine…

It’s really upsetting, this is supposed to be a site for writers/roleplayers/worldbuilders to learn, get feedback, make some friends, have fun…
And now some people are too scared to even speak here because they know it’ll just cause drama.
I’m not making that up or exaggerating. Some of my beans have started only replying to my vents/appreciation in PMs out of pure fear that they might say something wrong and that no one will forgive them.
Is this really the community we’ve become???
How can I continue to call notebook this non-toxic happy place while this shit is going on as we speak???

Some of the people who have been caught up in these arguments are really, truly hurt, and when my beans are hurt, I immediately feel this need to give them all the supports because they need to know that I’m there for them, but I can also never give them that support because if I do, people might hate me, plus I absolutely suck at it, but I can’t just watch from the corner without feeling like a complete and total piece of shit, and…
I don’t know.
I’m not making any sense anymore so why do I even bother?
I’m being pathetic again, just ignore me.
There’s nothing I can do about this except grow the fuck up, so it’s not like saying it will change anything.
I’m being a baby.

I’ll shut up now.

Sorry for wasting time…

You're a muffin Ella.
Simply and perfectly.
You are the only person I will apologize to for my warranted behavior. It was unnecessarily cold and I apologize to you.

Be happy lil muffin. Smile.


I did a bad thing

I made the mistake of going through a few old messages with my ex for the first time since we fell apart

The copious amounts of caffeine I've had today have successfully dulled any negative emotion I can feel enough for me to function normally but still

Wow! That Kind Of Hurts!

@Moxie group

(Edit: I realize now that I’m a bit late and it’s been hours. Whatever. What I get for writing an actually long vent instead of just a vague, short message hinting that I’m not doing well before disappearing-)

deep inhale

I’m so sick of watching my friends fight…

I don’t want to pick sides
I don’t want to have to choose between you
I don’t want to see my friends hurting
I don’t want to have to watch them leave
I don’t want any of them to feel like they aren’t welcome here
I don’t want the drama anymore
I just want to give everyone a great big hug and make sure they’re all okay and fed and happy and never sad cause when they’re sad I’m sad and I don’t want to be any more miserable than I already am-

You’re my friends… I shouldn’t have to feel bad just for caring about you.
I don’t care what you’ve said.
I don’t care what anyone says.
You’re still humans, and you deserve to be treated as such…

Of course, some of these people I can’t really call “friends” as much as “beans I’ve spoke to like once but somehow managed to become overly attached to”
It’s like puppies, you know? You see them for like 5 seconds, you immediately know they’re a good boi, and next thing you know you have 58 new puppies roaming your house, yet even though there’s so many and they cause so many problems you couldn’t imagine your life without even a single one of them and would murder anyone who dares to hurt them?
That’s how I feel about you beans, so when you hurt each other, I- I… It just tears me apart???

And no matter what happens, this fighting never seems to go away???
Friend group #1 will tell me that group #2 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m not myself
Friend group #2 will tell me that group #1 is toxic/only cares about me cause I’m easily manipulated
Both groups are full of amazing people who are always so kind and helpful and I could never imagine life without them-
And neither groups are anywhere close to those titles they’ve been given.
They’re all incredible, lovable beans and I-

I just don’t get it.
How the hell does a worthless little shit like myself deserve forgiveness even after everything I’ve said/done, but my other friends don’t, despite not only having clearly learned their lessons and grown past it but are also like, a million times better humans than I’ll ever be?
It’s not fair…
Either forgive them or hate me too. I don’t care…
not at all

i don’t need you guys

…i’ll be fine…

It’s really upsetting, this is supposed to be a site for writers/roleplayers/worldbuilders to learn, get feedback, make some friends, have fun…
And now some people are too scared to even speak here because they know it’ll just cause drama.
I’m not making that up or exaggerating. Some of my beans have started only replying to my vents/appreciation in PMs out of pure fear that they might say something wrong and that no one will forgive them.
Is this really the community we’ve become???
How can I continue to call notebook this non-toxic happy place while this shit is going on as we speak???

Some of the people who have been caught up in these arguments are really, truly hurt, and when my beans are hurt, I immediately feel this need to give them all the supports because they need to know that I’m there for them, but I can also never give them that support because if I do, people might hate me, plus I absolutely suck at it, but I can’t just watch from the corner without feeling like a complete and total piece of shit, and…
I don’t know.
I’m not making any sense anymore so why do I even bother?
I’m being pathetic again, just ignore me.
There’s nothing I can do about this except grow the fuck up, so it’s not like saying it will change anything.
I’m being a baby.

I’ll shut up now.

Sorry for wasting time…

I’m sorry Ella …
(Well you’re not wasting our time and you don’t need to shut up. You made a lot of valid points. Your whole thing was just valid points)
I’m sorry that we made you feel that way. And I’m sorry for participating in that. You don’t deserve that and I’m really sorry.
I’m also sorry to anyone that I made feel like they couldn’t safely vent here. That’s the worst feeling.

@saor_illust school

bruh how the hell did this turn into an orchestra thing wth

lol you mentioned something about sectionals and i think nie said something about it so i added on aha

Deleted user

bruh how the hell did this turn into an orchestra thing wth

lol you mentioned something about sectionals and i think nie said something about it so i added on aha


well only like, four people came so

@saor_illust school

bruh how the hell did this turn into an orchestra thing wth

lol you mentioned something about sectionals and i think nie said something about it so i added on aha


well only like, four people came so


@Echo_6 group

I've held myself together for a long time, for multiple reasons. One, I want to be someone that is always an option for others to come to. I like helping people. Two, it's expected of me. That sounds harsh but my family is not the super mushy feelings type, if someone makes fun of us, we don't take it personally. If you fall, pick yourself up and keep going. Three, I have a good life compared to some people. I shouldn't have anything to be upset or complaining about. Four I have more people in my life now than ever before that I feel like I have to be strong for. My family, my close friends, and my distant friends.
But recently… I feel like I've been falling apart more and more everyday. My grades are slipping, some of my very first and dearest friends are getting farther and farther away from me, I don't have the motivation to do anything, and my anxiety attacks are getting worse. Things that use to hurt me physically, like running a blade up and down my arms, don't hurt anymore. I learned a while back that if you don't apply a lot of pressure it will only leave temporary marks. That way people won't notice and ask. And that right there is a huge problem. I shouldn't know this, because I shouldn't be doing it…. and yet here I am having just done it again.
I'm so much of a mess that it's a sad sight. I had a crying meltdown just an hour ago, in the darkness of my room, by myself so that no one could hear or see me.
I have two different tests today, and I haven't gotten any sleep. It is 1:00 am. I have to get up in four hours to get ready for school.
I'm constantly listening to voices in my head screaming at me that, "No one likes you, you're a failure, you're a weakling, you're an idiot, you can't do anything right, the world would be better off without you, the only reason you have friends is because they feel sorry for you, no one likes you, no one cares, you're invisible, you're only there when others find it convenient, you'll never be like your sisters, you look horrible, you'll never measure up. You're ugly, and you should just stop trying. You don't belong here. You suck. If you disappeared no one would notice. You're such a cry baby. Lazy. Jerk. Oddball. Weirdo. Nobody. Give up. Everyone hates you. Failure. Piece of crap. If you turned invisible for real no one would care. They don't like you. They don't care.You're not good enough."….I'll never be good enough.
It is a constant battle. But you know what the biggest reason I tend to keep all this to myself? 99% of the time I'll get this response, "Oh honey, it's okay everyone deals with something like this." Or the other side of that coin. "Stop being so dramatic you're fine."
Because, I hate to say it but, I'm not fine, I'm not okay. I don't know why, but it seems like everything in the world is against me. How did we start the year? Well let's see, I was being bullied, but that had been going on for several months, I didn't care. But finals week was starting to get stressful, and I get the call that my grandmother has been life flighted to a hospital and only has a 7% chance of survival. So my mom goes up to the hospital, and is there for three days. My only mental support is two hours away on the three most stressful days of finals. I just about failed out of school because of the bullying, that had gotten twice as bad, because people were finding the things that actually got to me. And not only is that all going on but my dad was out with the flu and my older sister was at work and college everyday all day. So guess who also had to take care of her younger sisters? A few weeks later I was really close to taking my own life. Middle of the night. No one in the whole house awake. And I was talking to a friend that I thought I could trust to talk to. She went and told everything to my parents in the morning. I'll tolerate a lot, however when a friend goes behind my back and tells my parents something that I was not ready for them to know, that hurts. Then without even talking to me about it afterwards she acts like it never happened. News flash it happened, you can't act like it didn't. The rest of the year was just a huge mess of, we finally fixed this well someone drove through our fence, so now we have to replace that. Fixed the fence but now the Well House is collapsing, have to rebuild that. Finished the Well House, the shower head broke off and now there is water all over the bathroom. Cows are in the road, another car went through our fence, the furnace has just gone out, our pellet stove is ancient and is slowly going out, the ditch along the road is flooding into our yard. The dog just killed one of the sheep, this person needs help bucking hay. On and on and on and on, non-stop everything is breaking one thing after the other. Never a dull moment on this farm. It's my favorite thing.
School started this year, and I thought that maybe, just maybe things would start to look up. Well I have two teachers that are the worst completely and two other classes that I'm just not good at. So my grades are suffering big time. My mom is trying to help, but somehow I feel like it just isn't. My dad never has the time to help, he's always at work, which always gives me anxiety not knowing if he'll actually come home today. But when he is home, he's having to fix everything that breaking. On the note of anxiety of people not coming home, he's not the only one that I worry about not coming home. My older sister works really late nights, and most of the time I can't sleep until she gets home. Other times she gets home while I'm having an anxiety attack over whether she's coming home or not, and some nights she stays with a coworker for the night. The first time that happened I didn't sleep, I was the biggest mess you might ever find, and when I finally figured out where she was, all I could manage to do was cry. My mind, for some reason, always tells me every possible thing that could possibly happen to my family while I'm not looking. And knowing the job that my dad has, and knowing that it is becoming more and more dangerous for him… terrifies me. But I won't ever show that. I'll be told to suck it up, it's fine. If it were fine I wouldn't be getting up at 4:00 in the morning just to be sure I can tell him goodbye and that I love him, because I don't know if he'll come home that night.
Another thing I get to look forward to is knowing that this is probably my grandpa's last year. I was lucky I got to spend Thanksgiving down at their place, because it's probably the last time I'll see him.
It is my favorite thing in the world to be one upped by every one of my sisters, and to have my parents praise them for it. And don't get me wrong I would die to protect them at any cost. I love them with every fiber of my being. But I feel like I'm the mediocre among the extraordinaires. I'm always the one that gets the participation awards. I can't draw like my sisters, I can't write like my sisters, I can't paint like my sisters, I'm not getting straight A's like my sisters. I'm the grunt, that is only good for the heavy lifting, or dealing with bugs my sisters don't want to touch. My voice isn't as pretty as my sisters. I'm not as funny as my sisters. I'm not as good with children as my sisters are. The only other thing I'm good at is listening to people, and being a person that they can cry on.
I have stopped eating hardly anything because I hate who I am. I'm barely getting any sleep at night. I feel like my whole world is falling apart. I want to die.
And I know that someone is going to say the words, "It'll be better some day." Or "Just keeping going you can do it." Or "We're all here for you." Which is all great and all, but they feel empty. Sometimes words are just pointless and they do nothing. Sometimes I just need someone to physically be there for me. To be someone that I can go to, to cry on. Words can only do so much. And I think of that everytime I try and help someone on here. I know every moment that I could say something completely wrong and it could do the exact opposite of what I wanted it to do. Yet another thing that terrifies me. I could be the reason someone takes their life, which makes me question if I should even try at all. I do because if I don't I'll also feel bad for not having done anything. This is a no win situation. My mind will bug me about it either way.
I've been debating with myself if I should post this or just delete it, because this sounds so much like I just want attention, and that I'm whining. But I'm not trying to. I promise. I hate myself for this. I just want to be okay. I want to be a normal girl, that can do so cool things. I know that there are people out there who would look at my life and wish they had something as good as me. So why should I be complaining about this? I hate being the center of attention, and would rather be like the side character. Not the main one. And I realize that I've written out an entire essay of rant, so I'm gonna wrap it up here. Tie a ribbon around it and decide if I'm actually gonna send this or just delete it.


Hey Wild, I appreciate you coming to us and speaking your mind over your troubles at home. I don't know the best way to help you right now, especially since we're speaking online, but I'll do my best. I don't know if you need someone to relate, but I definitely can for a lot of pieces and more to that story there. I'm sincerely sorry that you had to go through those things. I think the best thing to focus on right now is taking a deep breath. It may seem insignificant, but it really can help you not freak out or go into a fit where you might harm yourself. It can literally mean life or death, and trust me I know. I think it would be best for you to focus on getting some more rest. I can see why you are worried about your parents getting home or sister and all. I understand the feeling, but you can't worry about things like that, strictly because it's rare that it may happen. You have to find a comforting factor in your life that you can hold on to. You can't stay up so late worrying about people, because that just makes the next day even harder than the last. I know you're not going to be magically cured or anything but I'd like to help as much as I can. Whenever you experience these worries, you gotta take a deep breath. Again, it could change your entire day, outlook on life, and mean dying or continuing to live. A lot of people including myself were seconds away from ending their entire existence and moving on to whatever the hell lies beyond our lives on earth, if anything. Those people who live today, including myself, were and can often be saved by just taking a deep breath, looking at what's happening through a different perspective and think. Just think. And think calmly, don't let your stupid emotion grab hold of you and take charge. Your emotions and pains will constantly nag at you, I know, but you have to fight them. Life is a constant battle for wages, survival, normal living, and having people to love. I'm sorry I can't be there in person for you, but try your best to find someone. And please sleep, your family will come home every day. I assure you.

I have to go to school now, but know that there's no reason to harm yourself. The reason to live is life. Live the gift of life and relish in what you have as a person. Get some rest, you can do better, I promise. Peace, and we love you Wild. Many people do, whether they express it or not.