forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@The-Magician group

There are a couple of people that I wouldn't like to see angry, 5 of them I live with, one of them is me, and the other 1 is Eris.

True for Eris, can't say for the others.

There's a reason for that ^-^

Deleted user

There are a couple of people that I wouldn't like to see angry, 5 of them I live with, one of them is me, and the other 1 is Eris.

True for Eris, can't say for the others.

I don't know how to take this information. Lol



• The tests are over with! Idk how I did on my Spanish but I got a 92% on my science and a 97% on my social studies

Actual vents

• How do people make friends so easily?? Like one of my friends seems to be friends with like everyone and I’m over here like “hi, I’m a person that exists”

• I don’t think I’m getting enough sleep, and I’m too tired to function properly

• …. I feel like there was another thing but I can’t remember

@The-Magician group

I have something to vent about.
Standing on two feet.
Wouldn’t it be so much easier to be on all fours, because your weight is evenly balanced and there’s a less chance of you falling over??



• The tests are over with! Idk how I did on my Spanish but I got a 92% on my science and a 97% on my social studies

Actual vents

• How do people make friends so easily?? Like one of my friends seems to be friends with like everyone and I’m over here like “hi, I’m a person that exists”

• I don’t think I’m getting enough sleep, and I’m too tired to function properly

• …. I feel like there was another thing but I can’t remember

Talk to people. Always have food on you, smile at random people, compliment people even if you scrounge for a reason to. As someone who has a lot of friends, sort of, these are the things I think play into it?



• The tests are over with! Idk how I did on my Spanish but I got a 92% on my science and a 97% on my social studies

Actual vents

• How do people make friends so easily?? Like one of my friends seems to be friends with like everyone and I’m over here like “hi, I’m a person that exists”

• I don’t think I’m getting enough sleep, and I’m too tired to function properly

• …. I feel like there was another thing but I can’t remember

Talk to people. Always have food on you, smile at random people, compliment people even if you scrounge for a reason to. As someone who has a lot of friends, sort of, these are the things I think play into it?

I can’t do that first thing. Anxiety

@Pickles group

ughhh I hate doing projects
how the flippity heck am I supposed to make a website on new immigration policies????? Sweet petunias, I thought this would be fun but it is. not.

Deleted user

ughhh I hate doing projects
how the flippity heck am I supposed to make a website on new immigration policies????? Sweet petunias, I thought this would be fun but it is. not.

Bruh, do you have to look up the laws and shove it into a project or something?

@Pickles group

I have to research three proposed changes and say the causes and possible effects. And I've been procrastinating and now it's due tomorrow. I picked it because I thought it would be interesting, but it's not. It's really boring and I don't understand it.

@Pickles group

The whole flute section except me and two other people has entangled themselves into a mess of drama and I'm sick of it. These are the people that complain about all the drama. the ones that start it. Most of the time I'm not even aware of the drama that's happening. But now it's taken over our section and I am. Sick. Of. These. People.
And the ones that aren't graduating are just going to become more awful. I hate it and I don't want to deal with them anymore.
We have a section party on Saturday and it's going to be really awkward and I don't want to go, but we're doing Secret Santa so I have to. And no one is responding when we try to figure out what time so I have no HECKING clue. And it's probably at one of the girls who's taking sides 's house. she's totally awful and I can't stand her

And I have a flute lesson tonight and I just realized I forgot Geoffrey at school so I have to take Wendy (the veryyyy bad one) and I'm not excited at all.

Deleted user

Beyonce is in the shop right now, so I feel your pain. I'm getting a loner tomorrow, but I'll have to use it for my concert and we aren't excited about that… Heaven only knows what quality it will be. Flutes can be prettttty bad.