forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


What do you do when a guy a grade younger than you looks like young Leonardo DiCaprio ur your 13 almost 14 and you don’t even know if he’s 12 or 13.


Being a musician is weird because sometimes you'll just be messing around, not really thinking about it, and you'll play some random note- and then something in your mind goes "hey wait a second" and you play it again and your brain goes "yes that. and then a rising note- and then this- and then this-" and before you know it you've accidentally figured out the entire opening riff to some random song just because you happened to play the first note and your brain picked up on it


I just realized…

I finished my last big art project today
I have no more work to stress about (although this one wasn't particularly that stressful compared to the one I gave up on)
Nothing to paint (except for a small thing I'll finish next week with my art teacher)
Nothing to edit
Nothing to worry about
I have complete and total creative freedom…

what do I do with my life now

Deleted user

Hmmm, what if I just- snap

Reed nooooooo
Also I love your pfp

That was mostly about my mental state, but thank you

Deleted user

there's nothing to live

Of course there is.

Cute animal pictures.