forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Hey, so if I had a way to show you what my alters look like, would you be interested?

@Pickles group

My parents are making us take pictures even though none of us want to and my mom's taking pictures of me frowning "so when I'm grown up and come to her with my own teenage daughter, I'll understand how vain I was."
Yeah, she called me vain. I wear the same outfit every day. I wear makeup for special occasions. The reason it takes so long (which is not actually very long, the longest it's ever taken was 20 minutes) is because I'm bad at it. The most I do to my hair is sometimes braid it, and about once a month, I straighten it partway and give up halfway through. I do enjoy painting my nails when I can because I enjoy being creative. I also can't take a compliment to save my life
… I missing something? Am I somehow vain? I do not understand is my explaining myself justifying it? Does that make me vain? Is me not wanting to take pictures vain somehow? Because I'm pretty sure it's the opposite

Nevermind the fact that I'm not having kids and I nearly came out as asexual in a fit of rage but you know
that wasn't terrifying


hon, if you're vain, then i'm fucking Narcissus. whether it's jealousy or unease in her own anything that's making your mother say things like that, the best thing i can really advise you to do is do your damndest not to let her words get to you. people are just Like That, and it sucks, but in the long run, nothing anyone says ever actually means anything, just your own mentality and thoughts on yourself


oh my gosh I’m not the only one who gets told the “I hope you have a child just like you so you can understand how ___ you are” thing every time I do something my mom doesn’t like

@Pickles group

So the teacher that predicts whether or not we'll have a snow day (he's only been wrong twice in the past lots of years) is predicting a two hour delay tomorrow but there's new people making the decisions and he says he still has to get used to their "tendencies"


On one hand she’s constantly trying to convince me that I don’t know anything and I’m never going to be happy unless I marry some guy and have 15 children with him even though she knows that just worsens my constant hopelessness, lack of self-esteem, and of course, causes me to freaking panic
And then on the other hand she continues to not take proper care of her own children (due to there being so many of us), complains about how sucky her life is cause of us, suffers from all sorts of health issues cause she had seven children, and tells me crap like that right there-

@Pickles group

Hot take: if you don't want more kids, don't have them. And if you think abortion is wrong (do NOT fight me about this. Absolutely not.), and you don't want kids, stop having sex

Deleted user

So, for anyone who wants to know what Leo, my first alter, looks like… {sorry 'bout the quality}
I'm still working on the others

Deleted user

Lol thanks!
As a 17 year old, he'll probably roll his eyes and mutter something about how he prefers "hot" or even "cute" {but only if it's from a pretty girl}

He'll appreciate it tho <3


Hot take: if you don't want more kids, don't have them. And if you think abortion is wrong (do NOT fight me about this. Absolutely not.), and you don't want kids, stop having sex

(can’t fight you if you’re right)


i need motivation again
i have to talk to my mom in person about some mental health stuff and even though i know it’ll be perfectly fine i’m The Big Scared

@Moxie group

it's gonna be great.
You're gonna go up to your mom.
And that part will be a little scary but it's okay because you're freaking amazing and you've got this (Don't forget to tell yourself that).
And you're gonna tell her about the issue you need to tell her about.
And she won't even look scary while you're doing it.
She's gonna be totally understanding.
And you're gonna get whatever help you want from her.
And its gonna be freaking amazing.
And you're gonna be so brave.
And you're gonna SELF-FREAKING-ADVOCATE (that's important kids. Advocate for yourself. It's scary but worth it)
And then you're gonna come back and tell us how you killed it and we're gonna be even more proud of you than we already are.
You've got this kiddo.
I believe in you. <3