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I read divergent in fifth grade

I finished LotR at nine.

My dad handed me his copies of it when i was eight. They are 45 year old copies that he got when he was ten. I was like "I have become the Chosen One", and then I promptly read them lmao

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

In my elementary school, certain parts of the library were off-limits and you were allowed to enter a new area each year. This proved a problem for me because I've always been outside my reading level and in first grade, we were practically limited to picture books. Even in fourth grade, the highest grade my school had, some parts of the library were still off-limits. This was where I got Inkheart from and I felt very edgy TM


In my school, you did a reading and comprehension test and that would allow you into certain sections. By second grade, I was a level 12 reader and we had reading tests, I read divergent in second grade in the first semester and had this 1200 point reading goal after that. In the second semester, I ended up having to make it with .5 and 1 point books that I would check out, take the test, score 100, and return it in 5 minutes, that during reading time, I just ended up in the library the whole time


I was one of those early readers/advanced readers too. Teachers (the bad ones at least) get all butt hurt over kids ahead in reading comprehension because they don't want to go out of their way to provide challenging material or seperate them from the rest of the students' curriculum, leaving the kids bored.

@Mojack group

FINALLY finished online school.

In terms of reading I do a lot of it (maybe not as much as I used to when I was younger…should get back on that, I still gotta read Annihilation)
I read a lot of books when I was younger, I think it helped that it was encouraged at our school to read in most classes for a few minutes at some time in the day. Read the entire Harry Potter series in 3rd grade, at that time I was also reading stuff like Warriors, and of course I got book recs from one of my friends at the time. Read LOTR too.

Two years ago I read The Hate U Give and it was a really good book as well!

In our library you could go to any section without taking any tests (though we did have reading tests for our school still.)


In my school, you did a reading and comprehension test and that would allow you into certain sections. By second grade, I was a level 12 reader and we had reading tests, I read divergent in second grade in the first semester and had this 1200 point reading goal after that. In the second semester, I ended up having to make it with .5 and 1 point books that I would check out, take the test, score 100, and return it in 5 minutes, that during reading time, I just ended up in the library the whole time

We did something like that. I remember in seventh grade we had to take a test that would reccomend books based on our level. My teacher said "If it's recommending War and Peace, you either cheated or got lucky"
My first recommendation? War and Peace. Luckily this teacher knew I deserved it lol.

@saor_illust school

I was one of those early readers/advanced readers too. Teachers (the bad ones at least) get all butt hurt over kids ahead in reading comprehension because they don't want to go out of their way to provide challenging material or seperate them from the rest of the students' curriculum, leaving the kids bored.

okay but i feel that

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

So a poem I wrote got published in a collection and I really must have suppressed emotions because I was thrilled but I just acted annoyed and like I didn't care and my parents said I'm so cynical but I just can't express my emotions right what is wrong with me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Wait you mean kids are stopped from higher reading? This is a travesty. Sure when I was reading The Prince and the Pauper at eight I didn't get it all. But at least I kind of had a good time doing it. Holy schist.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I read divergent in fifth grade

I finished LotR at nine.

My dad handed me his copies of it when i was eight. They are 45 year old copies that he got when he was ten. I was like "I have become the Chosen One", and then I promptly read them lmao


@Pickles group

I refused to read anything about teenagers. So I refused when my mom suggested I read The Babysitters Club books instead of The Babysitter's Little Sister books, even though the former had a slightly higher lexile. I read a little below my lexile in elementary. Not sure what it is now but I probably still do

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I refused to read anything about teenagers. So I refused when my mom suggested I read The Babysitters Club books instead of The Babysitter's Little Sister books, even though the former had a slightly higher lexile. I read a little below my lexile in elementary. Not sure what it is now but I probably still do

Claudia was (and still is) me. I am a d d i c t e d to junk food.


The Babysitter's Club looks like trash. My mom tried to get me to read it too. I just read whatever I liked, which sometimes was kid's books, sometimes university level textbooks. Usually when it came to fiction, I wanted something easy for leisure and when it came to learning I went all out.


over the years, mom has repeatedly assigned three different book series for me to read:
and LOTR
…I have not read any of them

@Pickles group

I did eventually read almost all of them. I liked them at the time. Might reread some real fast to boost the books I've read for the summer reading program. Gotta get those ~entries~

@Pickles group

over the years, mom has repeatedly assigned three different book series for me to read:
and LOTR
…I have not read any of them

I tried to read Eragon and I didn't like it

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

over the years, mom has repeatedly assigned three different book series for me to read:
and LOTR
…I have not read any of them

I tried to read Eragon and I didn't like it

I was in 4th grade, though, I might try and reread it


over the years, mom has repeatedly assigned three different book series for me to read:
and LOTR
…I have not read any of them

we read the hobbit in school, i wasn't a huge fan sorry
i just couldn't focus on it
so yeah i don't plan on reading lotr


I read divergent in fifth grade

I finished LotR at nine.

My dad handed me his copies of it when i was eight. They are 45 year old copies that he got when he was ten. I was like "I have become the Chosen One", and then I promptly read them lmao


Yeah it was awesome. But I read it so much that i started wearing out his copies, so he bought me my own XD


over the years, mom has repeatedly assigned three different book series for me to read:
and LOTR
…I have not read any of them

I tried to read Eragon and I didn't like it

I was in 4th grade, though, I might try and reread it

I have read all three of those and loved them, so