forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

This has got to be my favorite country song.

This is mine for sure


Lmao did you actually listen to it? I'm so sorry, I thought you'd just see the title and click off- it's fun if you listen to it with friends and sing it at each other dramatically

@Pickles group

I listened to three seconds. And I really don't like country much so I stopped.

Okay good. It's pretty bad. I don't like country either

Deleted user

I know I didn't get @'d but I saw this and wanted to vent without being fucking bashed on

Deleted user

Dismissing people's critiques of you isn't a cute look, hon.

I dont dimiss anyones critiques of me.
Besides, I just wanna vent, so may I just do this one thing?

Deleted user

I just wanted to say that i feel like Im not wanted here or anywhere, and that people on here think im a perv
Im not, i just dont think about the consequences of anything and juat go do it without a second thought on most things
Not all, but most all

Deleted user

And im also feeling suicidal again which i havent felt majorly for at least 2 months, so yeah.

@HighPockets group

The fact that Allison's sole characterization in Pirates in the Sky is "hot girl who likes beer and did I mention she's hot" leads me to believe otherwise

Deleted user

The fact that Allison's sole characterization in Pirates in the Sky is "hot girl who likes beer and did I mention she's hot" leads me to believe otherwise

Well i cant use her other character traits, like how shes a video game developer, because video games havent been invented yeah, and she cant be super badass because she doesnt have her motherfucking powers, because I had to nerf her! Besides, its only the beginning of the roleplay and her other character traits havent been be developed in the roleplay yet


And im also feeling suicidal again which i havent felt majorly for at least 2 months, so yeah.

Aw I'm sorry man, suicidal thoughts suck worse than anything. And I'm sorry you feel unwanted. If you have a phone, you can text STAY to 741741. A trained councelor will answer and support you through this <3

@HighPockets group

The fact that Allison's sole characterization in Pirates in the Sky is "hot girl who likes beer and did I mention she's hot" leads me to believe otherwise

Well i cant use her other character traits, like how shes a video game developer, because video games havent been invented yeah, and she cant be super badass because she doesnt have her motherfucking powers, because I had to nerf her! Besides, its only the beginning of the roleplay

You can't use her other character traits because you reply with a single sentence nearly every time, and most of them are to hit on other characters, mention her looks, or talk about drinking. A character can be badass without having powers too? Maybe if you can't use her other traits due to the setting and restrictions you should've used someone else? Also you mention how hot she is in other chats and it's super uncomfortable.

@HighPockets group

reasons why I’m too scared to roleplay #35

I think you'd be a good roleplayer
If you want I can help you with character development for them since I know you've mentioned struggling with it, I'm pretty decent at it

Deleted user

I feel like not writing because whats the point? But i also have to rewrite my entire book as it is rn. You see my problems?
(I have a lot of things to vent about)

@Pickles group

The fact that Allison's sole characterization in Pirates in the Sky is "hot girl who likes beer and did I mention she's hot" leads me to believe otherwise

Well i cant use her other character traits, like how shes a video game developer, because video games havent been invented yeah, and she cant be super badass because she doesnt have her motherfucking powers, because I had to nerf her! Besides, its only the beginning of the roleplay and her other character traits havent been be developed in the roleplay yet

So use a different character. Or change more than taking away stuff. You could've made her a badass who's good with a sword and likes tinkering. The way you took away stuff and didn't try to giver her a way to keep her fucking personality leads me to question whether she actually has one. Especially considering you have her thanking you solely for making her hot and saying nothing else to you. Hella uncomfortable.
And it's really weird that you have two female characters with r*pe as a backstory when it supposedly makes you that uncomfortable and you refuse to do any research.