forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Mojack group

I can’t believe there’s people who don’t know about the gamer girl bath water event

What a way to start a page


it was a huge meme
there are countless parodies
even i've heard of it

…Basically, some e-girl sold jars of her bath water for like $30 or something and they sold out almost instantly
there were rumors of at least 50 people contracting STDs from drinking it but that has not been proven

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

you ever just find a really nice photo of a really beautiful person with the cutest freckles and a natural face, perfect for portrait drawing, then go to save it and find out that's actually gamer girl bath water lady before she was famous and suddenly feel like a simp
not that this has happened to me or anything at all just asking

Dude I found out a faceclaim was a porn star iirc.

Edit. Don't read the crossed out, Nutella.

@HighPockets group

you ever just find a really nice photo of a really beautiful person with the cutest freckles and a natural face, perfect for portrait drawing, then go to save it and find out that's actually gamer girl bath water lady before she was famous and suddenly feel like a simp
not that this has happened to me or anything at all just asking

Dude I found out a faceclaim was a porn star iirc.

Which faceclaim?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

One of the ones I had for Rune. (Though at least her ethnicity is going to change a little bit–Eastern Russian.) But it's like for that word that I can't spell that's like bras but sexier. I think.

@The-Magician group

Lil vent coming up, because this is starting to annoy me.

I have spent 2 years planning my book series. 2 years. I started writing them about a year ago and then stopped. Over the last month I have rewritten most of the characters, rewritten the entire plot, and actually had someone read over my planning just for confirmation that I haven’t left anything out.
I’m fully prepared now, despite questioning whether I’ve left anything out still, and I’m in the process of writing book #2.
But concentrating is a B I T C H and I find that I’m not able to do that for the length of time that I would like to.
I just want to be able to concentrate and get my books written before I end up putting them off for another year >~<

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lil vent coming up, because this is starting to annoy me.

I have spent 2 years planning my book series. 2 years. I started writing them about a year ago and then stopped. Over the last month I have rewritten most of the characters, rewritten the entire plot, and actually had someone read over my planning just for confirmation that I haven’t left anything out.
I’m fully prepared now, despite questioning whether I’ve left anything out still, and I’m in the process of writing book #2.
But concentrating is a B I T C H and I find that I’m not able to do that for the length of time that I would like to.
I just want to be able to concentrate and get my books written before I end up putting them off for another year >~<

Not to discredit your struggle. But be grateful that you've come so far. I still don't have the name for my protagonist! It bugs me to no end. I have to find the right word in Menna that also sounds right.

@GameMaster group

I only like Jolene and Cruise

(if you cant tell i like that song too)

yes please
also I love your username, another great song

@GameMaster group

i feel like im just a burden to everyone rn and if i try to tell ppl how i feel then im just bothering them
but its fine, ill be fine ig

I tried that and it didn't work
if it bothers people fucking bother them, your feelings aren't a burden on them if they don't make it a burden
anyway izzy we love you and I'd let you bother me any day of the week


Yes. First one. Feel like that's porn.

That's just weird advertising

Idk… When it's models in sexygear. That seems very porn.

it's not, though. Porn is people doing the yiffy wiffy on camera. What you're talking about is just advertising

@saor_illust school

i feel like im just a burden to everyone rn and if i try to tell ppl how i feel then im just bothering them
but its fine, ill be fine ig

I tried that and it didn't work
if it bothers people fucking bother them, your feelings aren't a burden on them if they don't make it a burden
anyway izzy we love you and I'd let you bother me any day of the week

(Thanks Dom, I read your message too)

thank you-
that means a lot to me