forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Someone followed me on Pinterest and I just

I don't think I know who they are but I'm guessing it's one of you fucks because all of my boards are private so idk how someone would find me or why they'd want to follow me unless they know me and it's with the sole intent of getting me to send them memes at four am

@Pickles group

I'm going to start talking about Hogwarts houses like it's the enneagram test.
"I'm a Slytherin-Wing-Ravenclaw!"

Also I'm taking the real enneagram test rn because I forgot my type

I don't think I've taken that one
Just another thing to add to my list of things to do while not doing my laundry or literally anything else productive

@HighPockets group

I'm going to start talking about Hogwarts houses like it's the enneagram test.
"I'm a Slytherin-Wing-Ravenclaw!"

Also I'm taking the real enneagram test rn because I forgot my type

I don't think I've taken that one
Just another thing to add to my list of things to do while not doing my laundry or literally anything else productive

I'm a type six (98%, skeptic) with a five wing (91%, investigator)
Also it gave me a 19/20 on ambition lmao, but I'm not buying the rest of the report

@GameMaster group

I got ravenclaw when I was little but once I got slytherin and now I always get 100% slytherin. My dad considered disowning me when he learned this.


I've gotten Gryffindor when I took the Pottermore test before (mind you it was like 3 years ago tho) but everyone always thinks I'm a Hufflepuff and every other test I've ever taken says that too

And for the Enneagram test, I'm pretty sure it said type two with a six wing it might be the other way around tho


Someone followed me on Pinterest and I just

I don't think I know who they are but I'm guessing it's one of you fucks because all of my boards are private so idk how someone would find me or why they'd want to follow me unless they know me and it's with the sole intent of getting me to send them memes at four am

is it me, jesus?
i should stop quoting random tiktoks

@Pickles group

Someone followed me on Pinterest and I just

I don't think I know who they are but I'm guessing it's one of you fucks because all of my boards are private so idk how someone would find me or why they'd want to follow me unless they know me and it's with the sole intent of getting me to send them memes at four am

is it me, jesus?
i should stop quoting random tiktoks

No I saw you and followed you back, cause yours is the same as your notebook user
I think it might be Ice, but I'm not sure


Someone followed me on Pinterest and I just

I don't think I know who they are but I'm guessing it's one of you fucks because all of my boards are private so idk how someone would find me or why they'd want to follow me unless they know me and it's with the sole intent of getting me to send them memes at four am

is it me, jesus?
i should stop quoting random tiktoks

No I saw you and followed you back, cause yours is the same as your notebook user
I think it might be Ice, but I'm not sure

¯\ _(ツ) _/¯
I got Pinterest again and I haven't used it in a while and it's just kinda wack lol

@Moxie group

I’ve heard with the whole Enneagram thing you’re not supposed to take the test, you’re supposed to read about all the types and see which one resonates with you the most

As for houses, I’m a hufflepuff. I’ve also noticed that a lot of my close friends are slytherins so that hufflepuff/slytherin friendship things really is true


Someone followed me on Pinterest and I just

I don't think I know who they are but I'm guessing it's one of you fucks because all of my boards are private so idk how someone would find me or why they'd want to follow me unless they know me and it's with the sole intent of getting me to send them memes at four am

is it me, jesus?
i should stop quoting random tiktoks

No I saw you and followed you back, cause yours is the same as your notebook user
I think it might be Ice, but I'm not sure

it's not me, I don't have Pinterest

@The-Magician group

I think I was sorted into the wrong house, I was put in Slytherin..

Why is that the wrong house?

I just don’t think it’s the right one for me


My parents seem to notice my sisters minor panic attacks and headaches when she lives 10 hours away, but their other daughter (me), who lives under the same roof, they don't notice her anxiety and panic attacks, migraines, headaches, and stress from all of the work they give her. Life is great

@Moxie group

Mox. You should join the RP. …That2.0.

I can’t find it. Would you mind linking it?

Oh gosh idk if I can handle that

@Pickles group

Sometimes I'm drawing a thing and it looks decent until I look back at the thing it's supposed to be and go holy crap that's not right but it's too late to fix it now and I'd really like that to not happen