forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@GameMaster group

This girl will not stop texting me
and she's just texting me like we're besties. I wanna block her but the last time I did that her mom called me and told me to go easy on her and I feel really bad for her parents so I don't know what to do.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I know most of the people on here fucking hate me

Seriously doubt it. Hate is the opposite of love. Requires a lot of maintenance. People would have to absolutely loath your existence. You annoy people. That's about it.

@GameMaster group

I know most of the people on here fucking hate me

Seriously doubt it. Hate is the opposite of love. Requires a lot of maintenance. People would have to absolutely loath your existence. You annoy people. That's about it.

I don't even know you but you're pissing me off
(Not you Dom, you're cool)


let me be petty for a second
my mom wants us to do this online thing that's pretty much schoolwork
like you choose the subject and grade level and it gives you a variety of questions based on it
yeah I don't wanna do that
no real reason. I already read and write as hobbies and math is kinda my strongest skill
also it's insanely boring
and I'd rather watch TV or play games or scroll through social media or do literally nothing
but then she goes and pulls the "can't you do this thing out of respect for me?? if I ask you to do something, can't you just do it??" and that just makes me want to Not Do It even more
and yeah I know I'm being petty and most of me knows it'd be way way easier to just spend a few minutes doing the work but my brain is saying not to give her the satisfaction and it just puts both of us in a bad mood

actually typing that out makes me realize how fucking stupid this is and there are better things to be angry about so yeah ima go do the stupid thing

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

*cracks knuckles * Have y'all ever heard of the little demon known as IXL?
Your reaction was basically the reaction of everyone in my middle school when we were told that we had to do nothing but IXL for half an hour, two times a week. And we couldn't do the reading parts (which were actually considered fun), that was illegal, we had to do math levels only.
So I definitely understand your upset-ness. And you know what? I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty. We all can be and it's just a part of life.

@HighPockets group

I have to start algebra work tomorrow since technically I never graduated from it and they're making me do it before I go into Algebra 2
In my defense, I did not flunk. Just sort of dropped out.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

@HighPockets group

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

Throws back shot
To quote Carrie Fisher, resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Slams glass on table and shatters it

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

Deleted user


My Band Director found a new job as an assistant principal at another school.

Which is awesome!! I’m super stoked for her.


We’re getting a new BD

and for those of you who haven’t heard; I’m Drum major. Every BD does DMs differently.

f uck

@Pickles group

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

Throws back shot
To quote Carrie Fisher, resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Slams glass on table and shatters it

Why drink it when you can throw it on the other person?

@HighPockets group

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

Throws back shot
To quote Carrie Fisher, resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Slams glass on table and shatters it

Why drink it when you can throw it on the other person?

Throws a second shot at you
Don't tell me how to write my pretentious sentence!

@Pickles group

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

Throws back shot
To quote Carrie Fisher, resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Slams glass on table and shatters it

Why drink it when you can throw it on the other person?

Throws a second shot at you
Don't tell me how to write my pretentious sentence!

Throws wine glass

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.

OKAY SO MAYBE I'M JUST DEFENDING THE FACT THAT I'M KIND OF PETTY dont actually be petty kids idk what was going on in my brain 40 mins ago but this is prime evidence that something went wrong when i had a concussion at age 2

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I personally think that as long as it's not hurting anyone (physically or emotionally/mentally), it's not some sort of federal crime to be petty.

The thing is, pettiness always hurts someone. The stuff is poison to the mind and soul. It twists yourself from enjoyment and makes wrongs engorged. Don't be petty, folks.
