forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I feel you Pickles.
When I was eight, I had a horse-themed birthday party and decided to draw my own invitations (instead of having my mom print them like before). So I sat down and drew my heart out and was so proud. An hour later, I came back, looked at the "horse" I drew, and just gave up all my hopes of being an artist. It looked like a giraffe mixed with a dog.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm too happy
I read an article about one of my favorite One Piece characters and they called him by his preferred last name instead of the name he was born with
Even though the article title was with the name he doesn't use

Also because they commented on his eye color and it makes me happy

I need to stop obsessing over fictional characters and draw fanart about them instead


i feel like i want to cry
but i have no reason to cry
and when i try to cry i can’t cause i’m not even sad ?
did i catch a bad case of the moistened eyeballs of despair again
what is this


i just want friends
permanent friends
i’m sick of suddenly breaking away from them
i need someone i won’t lose

I wish I didn't understand.
But I do.
I just had someone I thought would be there vanish on me so, I sympathies.
Though it doesn't hurt as much as it used to.
I got used to it.
I hope you never have to.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

i just want friends
permanent friends
i’m sick of suddenly breaking away from them
i need someone i won’t lose

i relate to this on an impossible level.
every year for four years, at least one close friend has left me,
to the point where i have hardly any friends left.
and the ones i have left,
they always choose someone else over me.
i just want to be someone's first choice.
it's to the point where i drive people away
because i don't want to be hurt.

Deleted user

guess who's about to strangle their mother?
this motherfucker.
im done. im fuCKING done.
i told her if she threw away my shit one more time i was gonna snap. if god exists he better have fucking mercy on her, because i sure as fuck won't.

Deleted user

guess who's about to strangle their mother?
this motherfucker.
im done. im fuCKING done.
i told her if she threw away my shit one more time i was gonna snap. if god exists he better have fucking mercy on her, because i sure as fuck won't.

Oh damn

Deleted user

Thanks lmao but as expected, it did not end well.

Deleted user

Yeah, I guess, she always does this though, it's just the same thing that happened the last two times. I would prolly try to fight her if I had gotten sleep and not drank a whole can of rockstar, I'm starting to crash lmao

I'm just tired now, I used up all my energy on yelling and shoving her cause she was trying to grab me.

Deleted user

It's not, but she always goes for it when she sees the opportunity

Deleted user

Can I just cry?
Because not only am I trying to be a better person… But I'm trying my fucking best to not lose my shit…
I know most of the people on here fucking hate me…but seriously, a few errors are not that big of a deal…
WHAT MORE DO YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME?!? I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO HOLD MY TONGUE AND AGREE TO YOUR NEEDS… But right now… IDK what else to do…… Where is my irl friends when I need them…..