forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Yall ever feel so conflicted on what you wanna do in the future? Art is my biggest passion and I really wanna go into that field and be an animator or something but my parents have been pushing me to be a doctor since I was a little kid and I don't wanna disappoint them. I'm also a "gifted kid" so they expect a lot from me and while they have supported my art, they've always made it clear that I can do it as a "side thing" and not as a real job. I feel like I can't let them down cuz they've always been proud of me for being smart and all so they'd think its a waste if I do something like art.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Same. I'd really like to be a real estate agent or, ideally (but more unrealistically), an author, but my mom is constantly pushing me to go into journalism. It's technically still writing, but I find it boring to list a bunch of facts. I want to create my own worlds, not relay info on the real one.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Also, is anyone else's fashion taste completely different from what they actually wear? Like I normally wear really modest stuff but I really want to wear some crop tops and short shorts. And what I'd really like to wear is Victorian gowns, but those aren't very socially acceptable.

@GameMaster group

This girl will not stop texting me
and she's just texting me like we're besties. I wanna block her but the last time I did that her mom called me and told me to go easy on her and I feel really bad for her parents so I don't know what to do.

I still need help please somebody

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I'm so sorry, but I have like no advice to give. Maybe try to explain the situation to her gently???? idk, I have the same problem so I am in no position to give advice about it but I don't want you to feel ignored (because you're not), so hopefully this will help in some minuscule way.

@Pickles group

Also, is anyone else's fashion taste completely different from what they actually wear? Like I normally wear really modest stuff but I really want to wear some crop tops and short shorts. And what I'd really like to wear is Victorian gowns, but those aren't very socially acceptable.

Dude if I had princess dresses and it was socially acceptable to wear them all the time, I totally would. But instead I wear the same jeans, leggings, and sweatshirts all the time
Like, ballgowns, people. They look very nice and I wish I had all of them but I have zero dollars and zero gowns


I'm not really good at giving advice, but in my opinion, I think you should go with what you want to do, and what will bring you joy.
You are not your parents. You are your own person with your own interests. If you really don't want to be a doctor, and you don't think you'll be happy as one, don't be a doctor.
You aren't wasting your gifts by pursuing art, and even if you were, it's better than wasting your life on something you won't enjoy, and I think any good parent would rather have a happy child than a more "successful" one.
*not that artists can't be successful i just couldn't think of any other adjectives

@Pickles group

This girl will not stop texting me
and she's just texting me like we're besties. I wanna block her but the last time I did that her mom called me and told me to go easy on her and I feel really bad for her parents so I don't know what to do.

I still need help please somebody

Block her and if her mom does it again, look her dead in the eye and say, "your daughter grabbed my ass, she makes me very uncomfortable, I don't have to be her friend, and you need to stay out of her battles because I doubt she wants you fighting them for her." But nicer than that.

@HighPockets group

This girl will not stop texting me
and she's just texting me like we're besties. I wanna block her but the last time I did that her mom called me and told me to go easy on her and I feel really bad for her parents so I don't know what to do.

I still need help please somebody

Honestly I'd just block her. If her mom pitches a fit about it, tell her that you gave her daughter another chance and she's still bothering you. If her parents can't deal with her problems, they shouldn't expect you to.
Sorry if that was harsh, but my younger sister was in a toxic "friendship" like that and that's what it ended up taking


Also, is anyone else's fashion taste completely different from what they actually wear? Like I normally wear really modest stuff but I really want to wear some crop tops and short shorts. And what I'd really like to wear is Victorian gowns, but those aren't very socially acceptable.

Yo sameee. My ideal style would be fancy blazers, dress pants, vintage looking stuff, etc but in reality I just wear jeans and sweaters.


I'm not really good at giving advice, but in my opinion, I think you should go with what you want to do, and what will bring you joy.
You are not your parents. You are your own person with your own interests. If you really don't want to be a doctor, and you don't think you'll be happy as one, don't be a doctor.
You aren't wasting your gifts by pursuing art, and even if you were, it's better than wasting your life on something you won't enjoy, and I think any good parent would rather have a happy child than a more "successful" one.
*not that artists can't be successful i just couldn't think of any other adjectives

Thanks, I still have a couple more years till college but I'll try and bring it up to them.

@HighPockets group

Also, is anyone else's fashion taste completely different from what they actually wear? Like I normally wear really modest stuff but I really want to wear some crop tops and short shorts. And what I'd really like to wear is Victorian gowns, but those aren't very socially acceptable.

Dude if I had princess dresses and it was socially acceptable to wear them all the time, I totally would. But instead I wear the same jeans, leggings, and sweatshirts all the time
Like, ballgowns, people. They look very nice and I wish I had all of them but I have zero dollars and zero gowns

Dude I'd dress like a Victorian gentleman if I could, all those billowing capes and stuff? Nice. Also the occasional ballgown, like Anastasia's red one in the musical? Gimme!
Also a 1920s look, mmmm yes please-

@Pickles group

Also, is anyone else's fashion taste completely different from what they actually wear? Like I normally wear really modest stuff but I really want to wear some crop tops and short shorts. And what I'd really like to wear is Victorian gowns, but those aren't very socially acceptable.

Dude if I had princess dresses and it was socially acceptable to wear them all the time, I totally would. But instead I wear the same jeans, leggings, and sweatshirts all the time
Like, ballgowns, people. They look very nice and I wish I had all of them but I have zero dollars and zero gowns

Dude I'd dress like a Victorian gentleman if I could, all those billowing capes and stuff? Nice. Also the occasional ballgown, like Anastasia's red one in the musical? Gimme!
Also a 1920s look, mmmm yes please-

Capes? Absolutely. I used to have a cloak as part of my Renaissance festival costume but I lost it. I have one from a Halloween costume from a lot of years ago but it doesn't have a hood so it's not as fun
And flapper dresses? Heck yeah. I wore my sister's flapper dress dance costume when I was in thoroughly modern millie last year and it wasn't historically accurate but it was very nice

@HighPockets group

Also, is anyone else's fashion taste completely different from what they actually wear? Like I normally wear really modest stuff but I really want to wear some crop tops and short shorts. And what I'd really like to wear is Victorian gowns, but those aren't very socially acceptable.

Dude if I had princess dresses and it was socially acceptable to wear them all the time, I totally would. But instead I wear the same jeans, leggings, and sweatshirts all the time
Like, ballgowns, people. They look very nice and I wish I had all of them but I have zero dollars and zero gowns

Dude I'd dress like a Victorian gentleman if I could, all those billowing capes and stuff? Nice. Also the occasional ballgown, like Anastasia's red one in the musical? Gimme!
Also a 1920s look, mmmm yes please-

Capes? Absolutely. I used to have a cloak as part of my Renaissance festival costume but I lost it. I have one from a Halloween costume from a lot of years ago but it doesn't have a hood so it's not as fun
And flapper dresses? Heck yeah. I wore my sister's flapper dress dance costume when I was in thoroughly modern millie last year and it wasn't historically accurate but it was very nice

Also like
Revolutionary War soldier is a look I weirdly love, I'd wear that shit
Old-timey Shakespearean looks too, not the ruff but my Hostess Quickly costume was hella cute and hella comfy (especially when I wore my grey "She Is Fierce" shirt with the brown and orange skirt? Honestly a Look)
And the mismatch of a Dickensian streetsweeper, where it's got layers and fingerless gloves

@Pickles group

Also like
Fem pirate looks
I'm so gay for them and I'd wear them in a heartbeat-

Y e s

Seeing them at Ren Fest just fills me with happiness and jealousy
jyn I wish you went to my school so I could drag you with me

@HighPockets group

Also like
Fem pirate looks
I'm so gay for them and I'd wear them in a heartbeat-

Y e s

Seeing them at Ren Fest just fills me with happiness and jealousy
jyn I wish you went to my school so I could drag you with me

Ack same that sounds a m a z i n g, I've always wanted to go to a ren fair!

@Pickles group

Also like
Fem pirate looks
I'm so gay for them and I'd wear them in a heartbeat-

Y e s

Seeing them at Ren Fest just fills me with happiness and jealousy
jyn I wish you went to my school so I could drag you with me

Ack same that sounds a m a z i n g, I've always wanted to go to a ren fair!

Everyone either doesn't want to go or is busy and it's always a struggle to find someone to come with me so I don't have to hang out with my family all day