forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

At this point in time, I feel like it's almost considered a weakness to be traditionally feminine.
"ew, you like big dresses and makeup and clothes? and you want to fall in love? grow up! you've been brainwashed by society. be yourself! don't be a stereotype!"
It's okay if you're more tomboyish or masculine! That's great! It just seems like people frown down on people who are the ultimate girly girl, like we've been pressured to be this way. No! I just like being like this! And why can't I wear a full face & a princess dress while I roast the crap out of someone? I can be feminine and kick butt. BEING FEMININE IS NOT BEING WEAK.
this is so random but i feel like it's a little bit of a problem


I wrote a poem about that! I can't find it right now, but the ending lines were "beauty or brains? / I'll take both, thanks" and the whole thing was talking about pretty much exactly what you just said, Jupiter

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

That sounds like such an awesome poem! If you find it I want to print it out and put it on my mirror or something. You are an *i n s p i r a t i o n* via this poem. Literally going to write that last line on a sticky note & slap it on something. if it's ok with you i don't want to commit copyright infringement or whatever it's called

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I’m demi and I’ve only had one crush

then i had a “dude fuck these feels” and told him and now he’s my boyfriend so those of you who do have a crush, don’t be a coward like him (who also had a crush on me) and tell your crush. It’s better to be rejected than not find out!


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

At this point in time, I feel like it's almost considered a weakness to be traditionally feminine.
"ew, you like big dresses and makeup and clothes? and you want to fall in love? grow up! you've been brainwashed by society. be yourself! don't be a stereotype!"
It's okay if you're more tomboyish or masculine! That's great! It just seems like people frown down on people who are the ultimate girly girl, like we've been pressured to be this way. No! I just like being like this! And why can't I wear a full face & a princess dress while I roast the crap out of someone? I can be feminine and kick butt. BEING FEMININE IS NOT BEING WEAK.
this is so random but i feel like it's a little bit of a problem

Very valid.

@HighPockets group

At this point in time, I feel like it's almost considered a weakness to be traditionally feminine.
"ew, you like big dresses and makeup and clothes? and you want to fall in love? grow up! you've been brainwashed by society. be yourself! don't be a stereotype!"
It's okay if you're more tomboyish or masculine! That's great! It just seems like people frown down on people who are the ultimate girly girl, like we've been pressured to be this way. No! I just like being like this! And why can't I wear a full face & a princess dress while I roast the crap out of someone? I can be feminine and kick butt. BEING FEMININE IS NOT BEING WEAK.
this is so random but i feel like it's a little bit of a problem

Very valid.



i’m not even sad really
today was actually quite great-
i’m just so tired of living
i need to get this over with sometime soon but i can’t seem to take that last step…

@saor_illust school

sleep honestly does help
even if you don't think it will
even if you think it will carry over onto the next day
sometimes it doesn't
and more often than not, in my experience
it doesn't
and even if it does
you'll be able to think with a clearer mind


At this point in time, I feel like it's almost considered a weakness to be traditionally feminine.
"ew, you like big dresses and makeup and clothes? and you want to fall in love? grow up! you've been brainwashed by society. be yourself! don't be a stereotype!"
It's okay if you're more tomboyish or masculine! That's great! It just seems like people frown down on people who are the ultimate girly girl, like we've been pressured to be this way. No! I just like being like this! And why can't I wear a full face & a princess dress while I roast the crap out of someone? I can be feminine and kick butt. BEING FEMININE IS NOT BEING WEAK.
this is so random but i feel like it's a little bit of a problem

Very valid.

I know! Like I love Barbie Movies, they were my child hood and I still adore them, I honestly think they have films that top Disney when it comes to messaging. Just look at the way they handled the rebellious teen trope in Magic of the Pegasus, Brilliant. At the end both the Parents and the Child Apologized for their behavior, that's called good, solid messaging right there. I have two nieces who's mother and father are very condescending of the typical 'girl' things and it's really sad to see. The Younger one is 3 and she loves princesses and her favorite color is pink, she loves flowers and bows and pretty dresses, and she get's no support from her parents. The Older one, used to love all of those things, every time she would come to visit the first this she would do is ask me to do her hair and play dress up. She is 11 now, and she came over to visit and when my sister and I were talking about Barbie she said "Ew, Barbie is girly." I'm alright with her deciding she doesn't like things, but when she say's "Ew that's girly." But looks longingly at the princess dresses, that's not ok, that's called being pressured into not liking something that you enjoy.
I see why this happened, I also have Two Nephews, same parents. They love Pokemon, and you know what, their parents shower them in Pokemon crap. They love star wars, same deal. When the girls get into the more 'boy' things they're rewarded. It just hurts to see that they are training their girls to think that being a girl is bad. By the end of my older Nieces visit We seemed to have untrained that a bit but, one week is nothing compared to years with your parents so.
Any way it's just sad. and that was my rant about crappy social constructs.


Femininity and being a "traditional" (for lack of a better word) girly girl is great and should be celebrated. Dresses, makeup, light and bright colors, jewelry? Rock it. It's unfortunate that these things are associated with the stereotype of girly girls being weak and airheaded. And you're right, it's ridiculous that women who claim to support women put people down for choosing to participate in that girly feminine culture, as if they expect you to dress and act like some punk defying the patriarchy. You can't support women while simultaneously condemning feminine culture. You and other femme girls are not playing into a stereotype, you're expressing yourself the way you see fit and that's your right.

Deleted user

Claps I bet you will make it on Ted Talk or something along those lines.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

@Relsey my younger cousin used to ADORE the Barbie movies. They have a DVD player in their car, and every time I went somewhere with them, she always had a Barbie movie playing. (except that one time when she was watching Bee Movie that was weird) I grew somewhat attached to them myself, and I remember once being upset that we had to leave the car because I wanted to keep watching Princess Charm School. My cousin's school also does Nutcracker with the second-graders every year, and when she saw it for the first time, her only reaction was, "That's not like the Barbie movie."
So yes, Barbie movies have a bit of a soft spot in my heart, too.

Deleted user

Claps I bet you will make it on Ted Talk or something along those lines.

aW thank you

: )))))))

Deleted user

So small little thing on my mind.
You know how in most relationships there is a Dominant and a Submissive? well…
In my case, I'm a little, meaning I have tendencies to act like a toddler because , at that moment, that is all I can do.
Great even right now my brain is starting to give up on me using proper English.
Well long story short. Sometimes around my shark week, I go into Little mode, and sometimes call others mommy or daddy.
Yeah , I honestly Hate it.