forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

welp guys it’s night time, time to repeat the exact same fucking cycle of wishing i was never born but not being able to do anything about it because oh look just when things couldn’t get worse now you’re beyond terrified of the afterlife and don’t have the bravery to kill yourself anymore :)

please someone make it stop-

Hmm. I thought the drugs were supposed to be the answer.


well maybe they are, i’ve forgotten to take them a few times this week so that could be what’s worsened it lately
but still no amount of drugs and brain magic can fix everything else-
i’m still hopeless whether i feel happy or not


Sighs in Mom
Do what it takes to drink water.
Set alarms, carry around a water bottle do what it takes because drinking more water will improve you quality of life. Sure you don't need that much water to survive, but we want to live and it takes a whole lot more water if you want to live. Maybe you don't really want to live, drink water anyway because guess what, drinking more water means you have more energy so you'll want to live more. Water solves problems people. Water solves problems.

Deleted user

also, may i add that i feel like complete shit? i miss a certain someone who i will not name, because for some reason i am a whore to anyone who shows me any kindness/love.
i fucking hate that side of me. like, no, you cannot develop any sort of emotions for anyone, ever.
i am losing my fucking mind, i think the drugs are fucking me up more than usual.


Thank you, Relsey. Darn kids. Won't drink their goshdarn water. Buncha yupstarts that wanna diedrate.

Zactly, they out here complanin about dry skin an head aches, Don't get me started on the medical conditions that could have been prevented by drinkin water. And don't mention those High school athletes either, Tearin muscles left an right cause their not drinking enough water.


Sighs in Mom
Do what it takes to drink water.
Set alarms, carry around a water bottle do what it takes because drinking more water will improve you quality of life. Sure you don't need that much water to survive, but we want to live and it takes a whole lot more water if you want to live. Maybe you don't really want to live, drink water anyway because guess what, drinking more water means you have more energy so you'll want to live more. Water solves problems people. Water solves problems.

thank u mom ill try to drink more water


Sighs in Mom
Do what it takes to drink water.
Set alarms, carry around a water bottle do what it takes because drinking more water will improve you quality of life. Sure you don't need that much water to survive, but we want to live and it takes a whole lot more water if you want to live. Maybe you don't really want to live, drink water anyway because guess what, drinking more water means you have more energy so you'll want to live more. Water solves problems people. Water solves problems.

thank u mom ill try to drink more water

I'm proud of you even if you fail because you tried. You just have to try again if that happens.

@saor_illust school

a mini vent coming
ah yes
i love
watching a fren be vv sad
and not being able to do anything abt it
cause i feel so disconnected from everything
ah well fun
now i just
feel like a useless piece of shiet
maybe deva was right
(if you know, you know)
left out the useless part
yui was right, after all
i am a 3/10

Deleted user

i laughed when i shouldn't have.
but anyways, izzy what the hecc? you're great, how can you tell yourself that?? i think you're fucking great dude 10/10


Hhhh two vents incoming:

  1. I'm going on my first float today and I don't know how to feel about it since the people I'll be floating with are all either my former HS teachers or my former coaches the true downside of being a TK. Not only that, but I'm also sore as fuck from pushing myself during my workout yesterday. How sore? So sore that I can't get out of my own bed without sounding like a pissed-off crow. I'm really hoping that the float will help me out but I'm not so sure.
  2. I keep getting preoccupied with other life things, so I'm no longer online as much as I'd like to me. Usually the most I can manage now is reading through everything I've missed, which most of the time doesn't give me the chance or time to respond or write something as long as this. I really wanna talk and interact with people here, but instead I keep getting dragged away to talk and interact with people irl. It's a double-edged sword and I don't like it.



I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!

That's awesome Ice!



I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!

That's awesome Ice!

:DD i may have already put all my books on it and wow did I get rid of a lot lmao. All the books I currently own take up two and a half shelves out of six

Welp, guess I gotta buy more books then