forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

You have just achieved my childhood dream. I literally collected candy and gum wrappers for years when I was in elementary school. I always wanted to make something cool with them, though I never knew what.
So, yay! That sounds like a really cool and unique notebook.

@Mojack group

why is the krita subreddit being flooded with artwork of the ps5 as a busty anime girl, and why is said artwork so high-quality

People like that sort of thing where I come from
Not gonna lie I prefer the ps5 drawn as a robot as opposed to busty anime girls

Deleted user

Hi wtf is my dad?

Fucking yesterday he was comprehensible and really cool to hang out with today, where we talked about changing out eating habits and other cool things

Today he’s shouting racist things (mostly that of Asian descent, like his favorite right now “Ding dong” but in a horrible accent), drank an entire large slushie (after talking to him about how we’re going to get onto P90x soon, and him AGREEING with me), and is just generally really unpleasant and annoying to be around.

What the fuck?

It’s kinda really annoying, these mood swings

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

:DD i may have already put all my books on it and wow did I get rid of a lot lmao. All the books I currently own take up two and a half shelves out of six

Welp, guess I gotta buy more books then



For some reason, my tired mind was like "Mix root beer and diet dr pepper cherry. It would be good" and I don't drink soda, but for some reason I did it and now I don't know how to feel about it

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

That story unearths an old memory of one of my friend's birthday parties where one girl mixed Diet Coke with Sprite and drank the whole thing with gummy bears. Somewhat surprisingly, she was fine (and her twin is now one of my best friends but that's irrelevant).



I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!


:DD I'm super duper happy still!

@HighPockets group


I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!


:DD I'm super duper happy still!

I totally feel that! I'm getting new floors today, and then I'm rearranging my room for the first time in…four years, I think?

@Pickles group


I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!


:DD I'm super duper happy still!

Send us a picture



I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!


:DD I'm super duper happy still!

I totally feel that! I'm getting new floors today, and then I'm rearranging my room for the first time in…four years, I think?

Oh congrats, have fun!



I finally got a new bookshelf!! I haven't had one since we moved and now I've got one and I'm so happy!!


:DD I'm super duper happy still!

Send us a picture

Remind me in like two hours and I will


The Owen of last night, writing the to-do list for the Owen of today: do Irish lesson.
The Owen of today:

On another note my left hand won't stop twitching.

Deleted user

I am so… tired
I'm tiredly apathetic and I want to burn something
I want to quit life as a human and burn. I want to become the fires that burn down the governments.