forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


ok but people are really pretty sometimes
it's not fair
like do they just wake up each morning looking that hecking stunning?
i bet they don't even cry when they see their reflection in a mirror

@GameMaster group

Yeah there’s this one girl I saw and she was so gorgeous and she kept telling people to not put themselves down to build her up and I was like screw you Im ugly

@Pickles group

I'm not sure but there are gross ground eels that are crawling up and eating people


Okay it took me like three different google searches to figure that out-

@Pickles group

Yeah there’s this one girl I saw and she was so gorgeous and she kept telling people to not put themselves down to build her up and I was like screw you Im ugly

me seeing y'all lmao


Friends: So… you don’t have any school, you don’t watch TV, you rarely play video games, you’re in zero fandoms, go outside once a week, have virtually no hobbies, and only finish drawings every other month. What do you even do all day?!?

Me: trying to see how much cane sugar can be folded into a piece of gum before it disintegrates
…I don’t know

@HighPockets group

Friends: So… you don’t have any school, you don’t watch TV, you rarely play video games, you’re in zero fandoms, go outside once a week, have virtually no hobbies, and only finish drawings every other month. What do you even do all day?!?

Me: trying to see how much cane sugar can be folded into a piece of gum before it disintegrates
…I don’t know

I'm going to have to steal this for the Incorrect Quotes Chat lol

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm not sure but there are gross ground eels that are crawling up and eating people


Okay it took me like three different google searches to figure that out-

In my defense, I was born in the 90s and am one of the users that you younger people consider "old".


I'm not sure but there are gross ground eels that are crawling up and eating people


Okay it took me like three different google searches to figure that out-

In my defense, I was born in the 90s and am one of the users that you younger people consider "old".

ok boomer

@Pickles group

I'm not sure but there are gross ground eels that are crawling up and eating people


Okay it took me like three different google searches to figure that out-

In my defense, I was born in the 90s and am one of the users that you younger people consider "old".

You're like the second oldest user I know of lmao

@Pickles group

Friends: So… you don’t have any school, you don’t watch TV, you rarely play video games, you’re in zero fandoms, go outside once a week, have virtually no hobbies, and only finish drawings every other month. What do you even do all day?!?

Me: trying to see how much cane sugar can be folded into a piece of gum before it disintegrates
…I don’t know

Okay but how much


Friends: So… you don’t have any school, you don’t watch TV, you rarely play video games, you’re in zero fandoms, go outside once a week, have virtually no hobbies, and only finish drawings every other month. What do you even do all day?!?

Me: trying to see how much cane sugar can be folded into a piece of gum before it disintegrates
…I don’t know

Okay but how much

I’m not measuring really, I just kind of put a bunch in a bowl
however based on very inaccurate guesses fabricated on visuals alone, I’d say somewhere around two thirds of a teaspoon to three fourths for this one third of a gum stick that I was willing to sacrifice
so if we do the math
Probably somewhere between two teaspoons to a tablespoon for a full stick of pineapple twist flavored Trident gum

It actually turns fluffy for a moment while you’re mixing and grows like 4 times its size so that’s cool ig
Oh and if you take the falling apart pieces and chew it eventually it goes back to normal but with a very slight grainy feel and no more sugar free stamp of approval

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Friends: So… you don’t have any school, you don’t watch TV, you rarely play video games, you’re in zero fandoms, go outside once a week, have virtually no hobbies, and only finish drawings every other month. What do you even do all day?!?

Me: trying to see how much cane sugar can be folded into a piece of gum before it disintegrates
…I don’t know

Okay but how much

I’m not measuring really, I just kind of put a bunch in a bowl
however based on very inaccurate guesses fabricated on visuals alone, I’d say somewhere around two thirds of a teaspoon to three fourths for this one third of a gum stick that I was willing to sacrifice
so if we do the math
Probably somewhere between two teaspoons to a tablespoon for a full stick of pineapple twist flavored Trident gum

It actually turns fluffy for a moment while you’re mixing and grows like 4 times its size so that’s cool ig
Oh and if you take the falling apart pieces and chew it eventually it goes back to normal but with a very slight grainy feel and no more sugar free stamp of approval

So science experiments…. I approve!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh and if you take the falling apart pieces and chew it eventually it goes back to normal but with a very slight grainy feel and no more sugar free stamp of approval

It's cheating to even call it sugar free in the first place though. Idk why I feel the urge to say this.


Did I consume the entire bowl of sugar through extremely grainy now flavorless chewing gum?
Is my bed full of crumbs now?
Am I disappointed in myself?
But will I do it again?
Yeah probably


I don't want to wake up for work because I need to get up early, pack for a trip that I am leaving for on Sunday, and also play catch up with homework. But I need the money for what feels like the 30 thousand trips or things I'm planning


I put on so much sunscreen, yet I still got burned pretty bad I can never fucking tan wtf
Hhhhh sunburns are a lot more painful than I remember
I would put aloe on but I don't want to smear it all over my bedsheets so I'll just suffer through tonight and put aloe on in the morning
I mean don't get me wrong, I had a fun time during my first float, but damn