forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Do not wait when it comes to Aloe, wear long pants or something. The sooner you use it, the faster you'll start healing.

@HighPockets group

Did I consume the entire bowl of sugar through extremely grainy now flavorless chewing gum?
Is my bed full of crumbs now?
Am I disappointed in myself?
But will I do it again?
Yeah probably

Was it worth it?


Do not wait when it comes to Aloe, wear long pants or something. The sooner you use it, the faster you'll start healing.

Don't worry, I just now applied it after waking up–straight from the plant. Definitely helped with the pain.

I've also made plans to do absolutely nothing today, so I won't be aggravating them any further.

Thank you, Relsey.


Me, last evening, seeing Lizzie's new tag: hmm I wonder why vinegar cucumber

Me, in the middle of the night, trying to sleep: gasp CUZ P I C K L E S

I'm what the kids call "slow"

@HighPockets group

Me, last evening, seeing Lizzie's new tag: hmm I wonder why vinegar cucumber

Me, in the middle of the night, trying to sleep: gasp CUZ P I C K L E S

I'm what the kids call "slow"

Owen I love you-

@Pickles group

Me, last evening, seeing Lizzie's new tag: hmm I wonder why vinegar cucumber

Me, in the middle of the night, trying to sleep: gasp CUZ P I C K L E S

I'm what the kids call "slow"

People who recognized it was me but didn't get the joke until later count: 3
I love y'all


Me, last evening, seeing Lizzie's new tag: hmm I wonder why vinegar cucumber

Me, in the middle of the night, trying to sleep: gasp CUZ P I C K L E S

I'm what the kids call "slow"

People who recognized it was me but didn't get the joke until later count: 3
I love y'all


@saor_illust school


completely unrelated but
my chromebook died like
three seconds ago
legit died
it says its on
but it wont show me anything other than black screen, and it wont shut down either
it's been giving me signals that it's near the end of its lifespan for awhile, but
i didn't think it would be this soon
and i havent backed up any of my stuff and,,,
there was stuff on it that i actually wanted to save kjlsdljkdfslkj
i big sad bout this
i talked to my dad a couple weeks ago
and he said that when it does die,
we can get a replacement
so that's gud at least
but i wont get my files back ;-;

@darling-velocipede group

guess who's probably breaking up with someone today y'all


bc he's hardly made any effort to talk to me in like a month and it's causing me stress i don't need :p

@The-Magician group

guess who's probably breaking up with someone today y'all


bc he's hardly made any effort to talk to me in like a month and it's causing me stress i don't need :p

Have you made any effort to talk to him?