forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I paid for my Honors membership. But it was only $75 and I should get decent scholarships with it.

Yeah it’s 75 for mine, too. I think it’s alright for the scholarships I will possibly get from it.

My parents and my Jynnie is super proud of me so I’ll just… accept it I guess.

Also thank you my darling daughter ily

@HighPockets group

I paid for my Honors membership. But it was only $75 and I should get decent scholarships with it.

Yeah it’s 75 for mine, too. I think it’s alright for the scholarships I will possibly get from it.

My parents and my Jynnie is super proud of me so I’ll just… accept it I guess.

Also thank you my darling daughter ily

Ily too mom <3

@Pickles group

If I could go back in time to one moment it would be approximately half an hour ago when my dad said, "do you think she'd like something campy?" And I want to tell him, "NO, NO SHE WOULD NOT" because I want to vomit, this is not what I thought campy meant
I have like no tolerance for gore, even really fake gore, which is why I get my true crime fix through podcasts and not horror movies

@Pickles group

New vent, I don't know if this is a picture or someone's art and the website is no help but either way I'm jealous and upset


There's a BLM protest going on in town. I'm all for protesting for equality, but I'm pretty much positive that people are there to be mad at something and start a fight. I know my town. They're all hicks and drunks. And it's all going on right next to my minority church. Eh. Hopefully it's more younger people just trying to make a point. My church, people and building both, get enough grief.

Deleted user

New vent, I don't know if this is a picture or someone's art and the website is no help but either way I'm jealous and upset

that’s a photograph lol

@Pickles group

New vent, I don't know if this is a picture or someone's art and the website is no help but either way I'm jealous and upset

that’s a photograph lol

Okay that's what I thought but I clicked through pinterest to show y'all that I wish I was that pretty and there was a bunch of stuff that was clearly art (and good too, I'm still upset about those) and a bunch of stuff with varying degrees of realism
Anyway I have her saved on one of my character boards even though she's not quite right. She fills me with happiness though? Like ??? She's so cute and happy and it's not fair

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

ah yeah i've got a pinterest board like that supposedly for character inspo but it really should just be called "august looks at pretty girls and cries"

Half my time on Pinterest is just 'Ash looks at One Piece fanart and cries, either because it's an emotional moment, or it's so well-made'