forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@darling-velocipede group

guess who's probably breaking up with someone today y'all


bc he's hardly made any effort to talk to me in like a month and it's causing me stress i don't need :p

Have you made any effort to talk to him?

ye quite a lot, but i can't constantly be the only one trying to keep conversations going

@The-Magician group

guess who's probably breaking up with someone today y'all


bc he's hardly made any effort to talk to me in like a month and it's causing me stress i don't need :p

Have you made any effort to talk to him?

ye quite a lot, but i can't constantly be the only one trying to keep conversations going

Honestly me and my boyfriend have been in the same situation up until recently, but we talked about it and now we make an equal effort to talk to each other. We don’t talk as much as we would like, since we both have things going on and I’m almost always busy, but that doesn’t mean we completely ignore each other.

Call him, tell him you want to talk about what’s going on, tell him you want to break up because he doesn’t make an effort. See if you can work things out before jumping straight to the cut.

@darling-velocipede group

guess who's probably breaking up with someone today y'all


bc he's hardly made any effort to talk to me in like a month and it's causing me stress i don't need :p

Have you made any effort to talk to him?

ye quite a lot, but i can't constantly be the only one trying to keep conversations going

Honestly me and my boyfriend have been in the same situation up until recently, but we talked about it and now we make an equal effort to talk to each other. We don’t talk as much as we would like, since we both have things going on and I’m almost always busy, but that doesn’t mean we completely ignore each other.

Call him, tell him you want to talk about what’s going on, tell him you want to break up because he doesn’t make an effort. See if you can work things out before jumping straight to the cut.

ah i tried with that– three weeks ago. left him a message explaining some of the stuff i'd like to talk about, he replied that he couldn't respond just then as he had to go somewhere, and three weeks later he's never re-addressed it. good for you and your bf tho <3

@Pickles group

Got a headache from the noise the ice cream maker was making and drew twenty noses. Ice cream maker is done, headache is not gone. Binge watching a show with my family. Ouch


i got to see my best friend but she left and now i don’t know what to do with my life
come back-
i wasn’t done embarrassing you with my inability to communicate like a normal human being D:


that’s awesome, dom :D
i don’t think i’m gonna find faceclaims for my characters anytime soon but i’m slowly working on drawings and picrews for their concept designs

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I got a headache that refuses to go away, and I don't know where any ibuprofen is at my sister's…. On a unrelated note, y'all have helped me start drinking good ol' plain H2O (made me self-conscious, you jerks! I usually drink milk when thirsty). Wait, can you get headaches from drinking more water than you usually do??? I drank quite a bit of aqua today.


I want to draw my city but I can't buildings and Even with how painfully straight I am, I can't straight lines. So I'm just struggling and it's sad. I promise it's pretty in my head but on paper it's… it's just not good.

@GameMaster group

I got a headache that refuses to go away, and I don't know where any ibuprofen is at my sister's…. On a unrelated note, y'all have helped me start drinking good ol' plain H2O (made me self-conscious, you jerks! I usually drink milk when thirsty). Wait, can you get headaches from drinking more water than you usually do??? I drank quite a bit of aqua today.

Actually yeah if you drink too much water it can result in a headache and if you drink way too much you can end up in the hospital because your cells will swell.Just get some sodium in you to counteract the water.


You need to ease into it, like you know that thing when it's really hot and you're over heating and dehydrated so you go drink water but you drink a lot all at once and you end up throwing it up. Your body is just not ready for that, like our bodies don't like a lot of change all at once, we are very gradual things. Like if you're drinking one glass of water a day, start drinking four, and build up to a healthy amount.
Normally I would just say, Listen to your body, it knows what's best. But human's, at our core, are built to survive. In My experience, this will translate into today's world in one or two extremes, our survival brain say's "FOOOOD GIVE ME I MUST EAT AS MUCH AS I CAN TO SURVIVE THE WINTER" Or, and this is what my brain does. It will say, "I ate yesterday, I don't need more food, what even is eating? I don't need to think about that. That hunger button, we're just going to get rid of that. We don't need the reaction of being hungry when we always have food." and with water I feel like we usually lean more towards the, "I'm just going to get rid of that button that say's to drink water." So sometimes you have to remind you're body that those buttons exist and you just need to show your body that you don't have to just survive, you can live.

