forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Hey, @jupiter-sun , i found the poem!

Why do little girls all want to be
princesses? Why do little girls talk of
princes and love they have no
knowledge of? Because society tells us that
we can only be beautiful if
we are the princess. The princess, who
waits for a man to save her. If a girl is
strong, she is a Witch, she is
ugly. No little girl wants to be ugly, so
we fit the mold and break ourselves. We
are beautiful and shallow and
weak, because we are told that
strong women are ugly, that
we need a man to defend us and
protect us. Because any little girl would
rather be beautiful instead of ugly, and
society says we cannot be
both. Which means every girl is told to
make a choice, "Beauty or Strength?"
"Weak or Witch?"
Why can't we be both? I choose
to be both. I will be beautiful, and I
will be strong. I will be witch and
princess both. And I will not need saving,
not by anyone. Beauty or Strength?
I'll take both.

It's not exactly the way I remember it being, but here ya go lol

@The-Magician group

The same can be said for guys though honestly..

Guys face the pressure of being emotionally stable and being the leader. Why can’t guys be sensitive and express their emotions like women? Because society dictates that they are weak if they are seen crying.
Why can’t guys be strong and express their emotions? Because society enforces that they are either “strong and apathetic” or “weak and emotional”.
It’s okay for a guy to show their emotions, it’s okay for them to not want to be a stereotypical bloke.


The same can be said for guys though honestly..

Guys face the pressure of being emotionally stable and being the leader. Why can’t guys be sensitive and express their emotions like women? Because society dictates that they are weak if they are seen crying.
Why can’t guys be strong and express their emotions? Because society enforces that they are either “strong and apathetic” or “weak and emotional”.
It’s okay for a guy to show their emotions, it’s okay for them to not want to be a stereotypical bloke.

That's true, Lee. It really really is. I'm female though, so that's what I addressed in the poem. But your point is super duper valid

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

The same can be said for guys though honestly..

Guys face the pressure of being emotionally stable and being the leader. Why can’t guys be sensitive and express their emotions like women? Because society dictates that they are weak if they are seen crying.
Why can’t guys be strong and express their emotions? Because society enforces that they are either “strong and apathetic” or “weak and emotional”.
It’s okay for a guy to show their emotions, it’s okay for them to not want to be a stereotypical bloke.

That's so true! As a female, I don't really have the right to personally comment on that, but I know that it's a definite thing. Personally, I'd take an emotional guy over a tough guy any day. Everyone has emotions, and it's not weak to show them, no matter your gender.

Deleted user

Speaking of letting people know more about me; I’m thinking about coming out to my parents as bi

I’m not sure when but I’m pretty confident in my bisexuality not so much being ace so yeah

Lowkey just kinda wanna do it tomorrow when my mom and dad are both home

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As a female, I don't really have the right to personally comment on that

Nah. If you see a wrong, no one should stop you from speaking about it. Maybe your voice isn't the most suited for it, but that doesn't mean you should be silent.


As a female, I think you should comment on that. Women should support guys, by making sure every man or boy you know knows that you don't expect them to be a strong apathetic leader, carrying every relationship and burden. That's how women can help, in my opinion, by reminding men that they're allowed to be human. But I get what you meant, guys need to support guys within their own circles, that's when real change will take place.


As a female, I don't really have the right to personally comment on that

Nah. If you see a wrong, no one should stop you from speaking about it. Maybe your voice isn't the most suited for it, but that doesn't mean you should be silent.

I agree ^^

Deleted user

That's how women can help, in my opinion, by reminding men that they're allowed to be human.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told Nate that it’s okay that he has strong outbursts of emotion due to his mental illnesses



Guys are human and they’re adorable for it

@HighPockets group

Speaking of letting people know more about me; I’m thinking about coming out to my parents as bi

I’m not sure when but I’m pretty confident in my bisexuality not so much being ace so yeah

Lowkey just kinda wanna do it tomorrow when my mom and dad are both home

I hope it goes well!


Yall ever find yourselves caught between two very different mindsets, and you don't know what to do? Cuz I'm kinda caught in the middle here and I don't know which to go with.

One part of me wants to press forward and put my all into everything I do–to use every weapon in my arsenal to succeed. The other part of me wants to hold back and wait things out, see how they go before I commit myself. Either I need to push myself beyond my limits, or I need to shut myself down to avoid a crushing defeat.

What's the point if I don't try my best?
What's the point if I put everything I have into it, and it's not enough?
Stop being a defeatist.
Stop being impractical.
I have to at least try.
Trying is impossible for a prideful perfectionist like me–it's all or nothing and I know it.

Urgh, now is when I really wish I had a punching bag.

@HighPockets group

Yall ever find yourselves caught between two very different mindsets, and you don't know what to do? Cuz I'm kinda caught in the middle here and I don't know which to go with.

One part of me wants to press forward and put my all into everything I do–to use every weapon in my arsenal to succeed. The other part of me wants to hold back and wait things out, see how they go before I commit myself. Either I need to push myself beyond my limits, or I need to shut myself down to avoid a crushing defeat.

What's the point if I don't try my best?
What's the point if I put everything I have into it, and it's not enough?
Stop being a defeatist.
Stop being impractical.
I have to at least try.
Trying is impossible for a prideful perfectionist like me–it's all or nothing and I know it.

Urgh, now is when I really wish I had a punching bag.

Oh big mood

Deleted user

So I'm bored.. wish I could eat the whole two jars of Nutella to myself. and watch Avatar : The Last Airbender

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I'M SO DONE WITH MY DANCE TEACHER. I hate her class and it literally made me cry today. She is also very harsh towards us and has clear favorites. And there's no chance she'll ever quit or get fired because she owns the whole studio. I would quit without a second thought except I love the tap class there (which has a different teacher).
also having a fun time figuring out if i'm demiromantic or just picky