forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

@Owen Mir said to show you this

Hmmm. Whatever it is it won't load/I can't see it.

It's a TOP meme apparently, with the "is this a butterfly?" meme
It says "is this up?" on the bottom, and the butterfly says "East", and some dude's face is pasted over the anime guy

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I feel kinda stupid right now…. I did get my dad a card for Father's Day, but left it at my sister's house. Oops. Oh well, we at least had a great day with beautiful weather, enjoyed the company of loved ones, and ate some pretty tasty food (that's what matters).


how is it that despite only ever drawing faces
i cannot
for the life of me
draw faces
i just want to draw something decent for once without copying exact photos until there’s nothing creative or artistic left
but no
of course i can’t do that
why would i be able to do that?
i’m just an expensive jpeg filter that takes three months to load, cries a lot, and requires feeding

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

how is it that despite only ever drawing faces
i cannot
for the life of me
draw faces
i just want to draw something decent for once without copying exact photos until there’s nothing creative or artistic left
but no
of course i can’t do that
why would i be able to do that?
i’m just an expensive jpeg filter that takes three months to load, cries a lot, and requires feeding

Drawing faces is ridiculously frustrating and difficult…. Especially if you're working from a photograph, drawing someone you know, or doing a self-portrait.

@Pickles group

how is it that despite only ever drawing faces
i cannot
for the life of me
draw faces
i just want to draw something decent for once without copying exact photos until there’s nothing creative or artistic left
but no
of course i can’t do that
why would i be able to do that?
i’m just an expensive jpeg filter that takes three months to load, cries a lot, and requires feeding

I can't do it from a reference or on my own I've spent almost all day drawing the lizard from Frozen 2 and it's pretty bad and really frustrating

@GameMaster group

how is it that despite only ever drawing faces
i cannot
for the life of me
draw faces
i just want to draw something decent for once without copying exact photos until there’s nothing creative or artistic left
but no
of course i can’t do that
why would i be able to do that?
i’m just an expensive jpeg filter that takes three months to load, cries a lot, and requires feeding

I cant draw anything ever and no I’m not being dramatic seriously even my handwriting is that of a four year old’s

Deleted user

Especially if you're working from a photograph, drawing someone you know, or doing a self-portrait.

lowkey kinda disagree lmao

My best portraits are of myself or people I love and see often


I can only draw from photos
The moment I have to use my brain suddenly everything’s impossible

also i feel you on the handwriting thing, i can paint full portraits but still have to trace fonts for my signature or else it’s entirely illegible

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

That reminded me- Happy Father's Day Dom! Thanks for being a great internet dad. 🎉


I actually forgot it was but then my mom told me to tell my dad right before I left so close call.


Tell her I laughed if you can.
That's a good one.

I didn't know you were into TOP. I'm not but I get the meme.

I'm a hardcore top fan. They changed my life.

@Pickles group

Tell her I laughed if you can.
That's a good one.

I didn't know you were into TOP. I'm not but I get the meme.

Totally didn't think she meant "top" like… you know

@Pickles group

It took Owen saying "they changed my life" for me to get it
I figured out it stood for something when you brought it up though

@Pickles group

Fun time has subsided and now I feel slightly hollow and very wiggly. also a lot like I get too into things so that feels not good