forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Dude I saw a Tumblr post on my Pinterest a while ago that was basically like throw a party but the dress code is wear something you'll never have a chance to wear it to and then listed a bunch of examples like full on gowns and weird costumes
You gotta do that

I saw that one, too

It was a hella cool idea. I'd wear my sparkly mask with a mint blue -just discovered that was a real name- dress's shirt.

It makes me realize that I don't not have a place to wear any of my clothes. Even my Renaissance costume gets used once a year. Now it's just the occasional "well I don't have a reason to wear this anymore, but I've worn it like three times-". I do wear the same clothes over and over again just because I don't like the rest

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Ah… to be allowed to read all day every day….
But unfortunately thanks to google link I only have 2 hrs and 35 min on my kindle app… and that's where all my favourite books are rn.
Alo I think I'm spiraling into a mindset where everything in the world is bad so can someone please help me snap out of it before I start mentally calling myself an idiot again? I would text an IRL friend but again… google link. ANd getting in trouble is the last thing I wanna do rn.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Mom, what the fuck happened to you being happy to allow me to read to my hearts content?????? What the fuck??

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

How exactly am I supposed to do that?
Covid and my mom are planning on flipping my life upside down. AGAIN.
I can't handle that rn… I can't…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

True. All true.
But that still doesnt really help with the parts that actually ARE that bad.
I guess the worst of it is the fact that I feel isolated. My mom hass access to most of my tech and social media, so I can't talk to anyone confidentially without the risk of her reading it. Hell, I have to remind one of my closer friends for this shit that they can't use language when they text me BECAUSE my mom will kill me when she sees it.


my friend is so insanely frickin talented.
not to be super annoying but check out lost lani on youtube for her (or me)?
this one in particular tho-
the references to van gogh and just


(ah crap I butted in on the conversation and I didn't mean to)
also, from what you've said before, it's kinda bad. and your mom sounds like she needs to seriously chill. and I can see how it'd be easy to feel isolated but the thing is you're not really alone (especially since you have us nerds on this website)
i can't really say much else but I'm sorry that you have to deal with all of that

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Thanks AFT, and seriously, don't sweat it….
and while you're riht about me having all the peeps here, Come monday I won't exactly have that either.
Because of how I've been getting on since Quarantine started, and because my mom has issues with me being on notebook, I've alreay made a hard decision that the device used to get on notebook, (My crappy tablet) will be staying at my dad's, (Where it won't be used to get me in trouble) and that means I won't have ANY access to Notebook for th majority of the summer.
Because of stupid google link.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Ah I get that. My mom eased off though and that was the solution. Wish I could help.

yeah… I tend to fight my mom too much for her to ease off.
and honestly, what shes asking me to do isn't really all that bad… it's more her way of giving me incentive to do it, and the fact that strongly feel that it isn't the greatest idea for my personal mental health at the moment.
Said thing being getting a summer job. Which shouldn't be that bad.
But this year I've already had to switch Cadet corps, (extra curricular program, based mostly on teambuilding, leadership, and citizenship)
I'm terrified that I won't be able to actually go to school next year,
I don't need the anxiety of going through a hiring process rn… I just want to fucking write.
But NOOOOOOOOO that's just a STUPID HOBBY…….
And if I don't get a job my mom is going to give me som many chors I won't have time for writing, or reading, or talking to my friends, or anything.


Hmm, I have conflicting emotions when It comes to Parents and Screens .
On the one hand, If we don't learn how to self control ourselves with out someone telling us to do it, we wont learn. We have to make our own Choices in order to develop a mindset that includes personal discipline. There's a reason kids with strict parents go wild when they turn 18, they never had the opportunity to develop personal discipline. Screens are a highly addictive and potentially life ruining tools, being allowed to self regulate screen hours and screen time while you still have a malleable brain is Critically important .
On the other hand, (I'm assuming most of our parents are in their 40's or older) they didn't grow up with this stuff, it's new and it's scary. It's Rock music all over again. They don't have an example of how to raise kids around this stuff, they are going in to this blind. I can understand wanting to keep your child from this thing. The Internet and Technology is so wonderful and amazing, but it is so unclear how it is going to impact us in the long run. A Parents perspective is different then our own, we can not truly understand how The Internet has changed their lives. We can not truly understand just how scary this tool is because to us it's just something that is and has always has been a thing. We really are the Guinea pigs of this era we are not talking about the change of a century here we're talking about the change of an era.
Despite all of this I really wish that they would chill and give us some credit , because we are not stupid Idiots (Well…. we don't talk about the 9/10 that are idiots). We know this space better then they do, we understand this world better than they do. All our lives we've been taught to look at both sides of the story, I only wish those who advised would live by their own words.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

While I completely understand and Agree on everything you just said, (Which probably makes me hypocrite too) I also think part of the reason my mom is like this, (She's only twenty years older than me, and Im in the middle of highschool) is because HER parents didn't actually do much in the way of parenting, and now my mo is parenting me, and five others single handedly.
She's told me as a fact that as a kid she used to be able to stay up all night on the computer, no supervision or anything. She probably just doesn't want me to make the same mistakes she did as a kid.
But at the same time, I wish she'd just chill and back off too… I'm not an idiot. At least.. that's what she says… but at the same time there are vibes at some point where it feels like I'm stupid because I'm not perfect.
(My mom has REALLY high standards for things like cleanliness and looks. Like… mom…. Stop STRESSSING ABOUT EVERYTHING………)


You know those days where you feel so disgusting that you don't want to leave the house? This was one of those days. Then some voodoo happened while I was getting ready for a party that I have to go to and I ended up looking so good that I nearly cried. What are emotions. What is this.
I know it sounds extremely weird and self centered but it made me happy

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

now I have another costume that I have nothing to do with and an now currently wearing it in my backyard

THAT'S HONESTLY SO AWESOME!! I love Victorian/1800s fashion, and I regularly wear a petticoat around my house just because I feel like it.

@HighPockets group

Dude I saw a Tumblr post on my Pinterest a while ago that was basically like throw a party but the dress code is wear something you'll never have a chance to wear it to and then listed a bunch of examples like full on gowns and weird costumes
You gotta do that

I saw that one, too

That reminds me of the "Come As You Are" party, where when the host calls you, you have to show up in whatever you were wearing. Could lead to some antics. Never actually did that kind of party though since parents have rules and all

Yo, I'm down to have a party like that someday

Those both sound super fun!
Idk what I'd wear

@Pickles group

Chicken owners everywhere else: chickens are very cute and nice and I love them


Well I don't subscribe to most cultural beliefs so I would wear my sparkly mask most anywhere.

Reason I admire you #712

@Pickles group

Lately my two moods have been "it's nowhere near a meal time and I'm starving" and "It's time to eat but the thought of food makes me want to hurl" so that's fun

Deleted user

Dude I saw a Tumblr post on my Pinterest a while ago that was basically like throw a party but the dress code is wear something you'll never have a chance to wear it to and then listed a bunch of examples like full on gowns and weird costumes
You gotta do that

I saw that one, too

It was a hella cool idea. I'd wear my sparkly mask with a mint blue -just discovered that was a real name- dress's shirt.

It makes me realize that I don't not have a place to wear any of my clothes. Even my Renaissance costume gets used once a year. Now it's just the occasional "well I don't have a reason to wear this anymore, but I've worn it like three times-". I do wear the same clothes over and over again just because I don't like the rest
