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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I read divergent in fifth grade

In fourth grade my teacher was concerned that the books I was reading were "too low-level" (they were the only books in her classroom, mind you) so you know what she made me read?


Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

ohh we had battle of the books too!! I have so many good memories from it and some of my favorite books I read from the list were Escape Under the Forever Sky, Someone Named Eva, and Out of My Mind!!
I am still salty about how we lost tho. the answer was "of the sky" and we said, "in the sky" and the judges were gonna give us the point and we would've won but noooo that one judge just had to say no to our answer. it was one word off.


until like fourth grade, I only read Beverly Cleary's books and Magic Tree House. then I read Warriors and Percy Jackson and I didn't get into PJO until a few years later when I reread it. I read Harry Potter in fifth grade and sixth grade was when I really started reading all of the Big Name books like Hunger Games and Divergent and Maze Runner and Lunar Chronicles and Inheritance Cycle. There was a weird John Green Phase around there too

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

ohh we had battle of the books too!! I have so many good memories from it and some of my favorite books I read from the list were Escape Under the Forever Sky, Someone Named Eva, and Out of My Mind!!
I am still salty about how we lost tho. the answer was "of the sky" and we said, "in the sky" and the judges were gonna give us the point and we would've won but noooo that one judge just had to say no to our answer. it was one word off.

In sixth grade we won the first two competitions only to come in last at the third and final one. It was a rough day. I had three apple juices.
also someone stole our Dunkin Donuts out of the box


Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

ohh we had battle of the books too!! I have so many good memories from it and some of my favorite books I read from the list were Escape Under the Forever Sky, Someone Named Eva, and Out of My Mind!!
I am still salty about how we lost tho. the answer was "of the sky" and we said, "in the sky" and the judges were gonna give us the point and we would've won but noooo that one judge just had to say no to our answer. it was one word off.

In sixth grade we won the first two competitions only to come in last at the third and final one. It was a rough day. I had three apple juices.
also someone stole our Dunkin Donuts out of the box

we only had it in fifth grade and we were in the semifinals when we lost in that round to that question. fifth grade me was salty and when we watched the finals me and my friend just whispered and were like "can there please be an asteroid that hits them on the stage?" and stuff like that

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

ohh we had battle of the books too!! I have so many good memories from it and some of my favorite books I read from the list were Escape Under the Forever Sky, Someone Named Eva, and Out of My Mind!!
I am still salty about how we lost tho. the answer was "of the sky" and we said, "in the sky" and the judges were gonna give us the point and we would've won but noooo that one judge just had to say no to our answer. it was one word off.

In sixth grade we won the first two competitions only to come in last at the third and final one. It was a rough day. I had three apple juices.
also someone stole our Dunkin Donuts out of the box

we only had it in fifth grade and we were in the semifinals when we lost in that round to that question. fifth grade me was salty and when we watched the finals me and my friend just whispered and were like "can there please be an asteroid that hits them on the stage?" and stuff like that

oof. In fifth grade, my team lost by one point. one point.
Also that year, they let 18 people on the team, let them practice with us, and then unceremoniously cut six of them before the competition. (idk if it's the same where you are but in my state, the max amount of kids you can bring is 12. you can't even bring extras to watch the competition.)


oh we could only have 4 people actually. 4 per team and it was just a district event so there was only 1 team per school so there were like 20 teams in all. it was a small event but it was fun lol


Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

I know this is from two hours ago but
!!! I love Battle of the Books!!! Super bummed because Nebraska doesn't do it, but Alaska did and I've been doing it since fourth grade :/


I read all of the Harry Potter books in like two weeks in fourth grade because I had no friends or after school activities
I also was not very aware of the internet

@GameMaster group

The Box-Social, The Landlady, The Sound of Thunder, and The Lottery all fucked me up. When my eight grade English teacher passed The Lottery out I got really excited because I had already read it and was smiling the whole time while the class read it and the next day she called me a psychopath is front of the whole class.

@HighPockets group

Omg I read The Lottery and another really fucked up but amazing short story (Leg of Lamb I think it was called?) in 7th grade, same with Jekyll and Hyde!

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

I know this is from two hours ago but
!!! I love Battle of the Books!!! Super bummed because Nebraska doesn't do it, but Alaska did and I've been doing it since fourth grade :/

i'm always late to things it's fine It's awesome to find other people that do this!
Fun story: in seventh grade we were tying to name our team. We always had Goldfish at every meeting, without fail. We couldn't think of any names, and one girl just said "Team Goldfish" and another one yelled "The team that smiles back" and we literally couldn't think of anything better. Everyone else's teams were book-related or puns on the titles and then there we were, Team Goldfish. We actually had "the team that smiles back" on the t-shirts. It was insane.

@HighPockets group

I started Harry Potter in 4th grade and read the first 5 books, then my friend's mom told my parents that the other ones got really dark and that scared me out of finishing them until 6th grade, where I eventually read them on my kindle. I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in an Arby's parking lot at 9 PM. I read Percy Jackson in 6th grade too, I remember reading the books while at play practice.
Uhhhh I read a lot of middle grade books that I only vaguely remember in between that and really getting into YA, there was one about a girl who gets both of her legs wrecked by a car and has to be bedridden with double casts all summer (the scene that really got me was when her neighbor's younger brother fell out the window and fucking died) but I don't remember the title. Lots of James Patterson, not really Maximum Ride but definitely I Funny and Treasure Hunters.
I read The Hunger Games in 8th grade, I finished the first book in like 2 hours after buying a secondhand copy at a resale shop when visiting my grandparents. Then I read Divergent and the Lunar Chronicles but mostly stuck to younger YA.
Then in 9th grade I read a ton of Victoria/V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, the entire Red Queen series, and a bunch of more popular YA books, and now that I'm going into my junior year I plan to read a lot of really popular ones I missed out on, as well as underhyped ones


Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

I know this is from two hours ago but
!!! I love Battle of the Books!!! Super bummed because Nebraska doesn't do it, but Alaska did and I've been doing it since fourth grade :/

i'm always late to things it's fine It's awesome to find other people that do this!
Fun story: in seventh grade we were tying to name our team. We always had Goldfish at every meeting, without fail. We couldn't think of any names, and one girl just said "Team Goldfish" and another one yelled "The team that smiles back" and we literally couldn't think of anything better. Everyone else's teams were book-related or puns on the titles and then there we were, Team Goldfish. We actually had "the team that smiles back" on the t-shirts. It was insane.

Haha that's hilarious! My team was always named after the school mascot, so we were the MSCS Ravens lmao

@Pickles group

Omg I read The Lottery and another really fucked up but amazing short story (Leg of Lamb I think it was called?) in 7th grade, same with Jekyll and Hyde!

Spoiler even though I think we've probably all read it
That's my favorite. It was great

@HighPockets group

Omg I read The Lottery and another really fucked up but amazing short story (Leg of Lamb I think it was called?) in 7th grade, same with Jekyll and Hyde!

Spoiler even though I think we've probably all read it
That's my favorite. It was great


After comparing lyres with Dirk, it has come to my attention that mine is of better quality (hollow mahogany instead of his soft rosewood), but is left-handed
Not that I'm complaining about that. I'm ambidextrous, so playing with my left isn't the problem
The problem is that I have no idea how I managed to get a fucking left-handed lyre

@HighPockets group

I want to make a Princess Bride joke relating to that but I'm blanking on what to say
Just imagine that I make a "I am not left handed" joke and it's funny and we all laugh

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I want to make a Princess Bride joke relating to that but I'm blanking on what to say
Just imagine that I make a "I am not left handed" joke and it's funny and we all laugh


@Pickles group

Omg I read The Lottery and another really fucked up but amazing short story (Leg of Lamb I think it was called?) in 7th grade, same with Jekyll and Hyde!

Spoiler even though I think we've probably all read it
That's my favorite. It was great

Lamb to the Slaughter I'm pretty sure

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I fucking hate my life.
Why can't I have a peaceful summer?
Why can't I just write?
Why does my mom have to force me to do shit?
Why does she have to fucking threaten the one thing that's ACTUALLY important to me just t force me to do things her way?
Why did she have to ruin my good day with anxiety….
Why am I crying…
I don't want a fucking job.
I don't want to have to walk my sisters around every day.
I don't want to have to become the household cinderella. (Exaggeration, but also kinda not)
I don't want to have to do more school over the summer.
I don't want to have to leave highschool because of stupid fucking covid.
I don't want to have to wonder whether or not I'll be able to do cadets or not in the fall.
I don't want to have to fucking wonder if I'll ever be able to speak honestly and directly with my school friends. Or any of my friends for that matter.
I don't want this.


I want to make a Princess Bride joke relating to that but I'm blanking on what to say
Just imagine that I make a "I am not left handed" joke and it's funny and we all laugh



@Pickles group

I want to make a Princess Bride joke relating to that but I'm blanking on what to say
Just imagine that I make a "I am not left handed" joke and it's funny and we all laugh



Laughing noises