forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


Oh, we're going to miss you, Mir! I never got to interact with you too much, but I still genuinely liked you and I'm gonna miss seeing you around. Good luck in your future endeavours, stay safe and healthy!


Also, Miriam I need to tell you this before you go. It's super very extremely important

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

don't be so dramatic dommy.

Um. Remember Eris? "Dom is being drama." Dom will do what he feels like.

Dom should stop referring to himself in the third person because Pickles has a feeling it's going to get out of hand soon and she finds it a little weird in the nicest way possible

Hmm. I might stop. But I've been doing it for years. I think it has something to do with living with kids all the time.

@Pickles group

Also, Miriam I need to tell you this before you go. It's super very extremely important

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also, Miriam I need to tell you this before you go. It's super very extremely important

I don't know what this means and I want to because see part one.

Deleted user

Also, Miriam I need to tell you this before you go. It's super very extremely important


@saor_illust school

ahhh mir
i'm gonna be sad to see you go, ngl
but, it's your decision,
and if it means you'll be happier in life, so be it
(i mean that in the least rude way possible)
i'm glad that you'll be happier, even if it's only a little bit
gonna miss you a heck ton
and as always,
love you lots <3


oh no am i too late-

bye miriam…
i’m going to miss you so much-
please stay safe for me, okay?
i love you a lot, and will always remember you
farewell, fren <3

@saor_illust school

bye miriam…
i’m going to miss you so much-
please stay safe for me, okay?
i love you a lot, and will always remember you
farewell, fren <3


@Pickles group

Okay so maybe Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs was not the best thing to read at midnight but here I am an hour and a half later living with that decision and wondering if I'll have nightmares when I fall asleep

@Pickles group

There are these owls outside that won't start screeching.

Screech back louder

Good idea. But my parents are in the next room.
Also. Btw. I'm 20 tomorrow.

Noted. I should start writing y'all's birthdays down

@Pickles group

Wait is this "it's not midnight yet so I'll be 20 in a few hours" or "it's not midnight yet but meh I'm counting it as a new day so technically there's more than 24 hours" kind of tomorrow?


There are these owls outside that won't start screeching.

Screech back louder

Good idea. But my parents are in the next room.
Also. Btw. I'm 20 tomorrow.

Noted. I should start writing y'all's birthdays down

honestly same-
someone should make a notebook calendar with people's birthdays, notebook anniversaries, and other dumb stuff anyone might wanna remember in the next year

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Wait is this "it's not midnight yet so I'll be 20 in a few hours" or "it's not midnight yet but meh I'm counting it as a new day so technically there's more than 24 hours" kind of tomorrow?

If we count midnight as new day it'll be my birthday in one hour and fifteen minutes.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Wait is this "it's not midnight yet so I'll be 20 in a few hours" or "it's not midnight yet but meh I'm counting it as a new day so technically there's more than 24 hours" kind of tomorrow?

If we count midnight as new day it'll be my birthday in one hour and fifteen minutes.

Time zone?
Since I'm in edt, happy birthday Dom!

Deleted user

Bye mir, I'll miss you bunch
but you better not ghost my letters or I'll hunt you down >:c

Deleted user

Reed, you better keep DMing me <33

you all mean a ton to me. I'm not deleting my account because worldbuilding stuff, and I'll try to stop by occasionally.

I love all of you.