forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Slightly annoyed rn but I'm going to go read by the pond again. It's been a while. But I'm almost done with the Nancy Drew book I decided to read for nostalgia (that aspect is failing and her boyfriend weirds me out but that's neither here nor there)


Hey wtf Mir get online and say goodbye to me.
Thanks for being welcoming when I first came along. Thanks for being that raging bisexual character we all need in our life. Thanks for your input, your stories, your opinions. Thanks for sharing your life with us. It's been an honor. And it's been an honor doing the Unlikely Duo trope with you.
I'll miss seeing you around. I hate losing contact forever, but it's more than likely I'll never cross paths with you again. It's been fun getting to know you. It's been fun knowing you. I'm lucky to have known you, even if it's over now. The smallest acts and words can change lives, and I can safely say you've changed all of ours here. We're lucky to call you a friend.
I love you Mir.
Stay alive.

Deleted user

Bye Mir! I wish I had more time to spend with you!
Stay safe, stay strong and furthermore, stay positive!!

Deleted user

thanks so much, owen. I may or may not have teared up a little but mama didn't raise no coward.

you've been great.

I do hope that some way or another, I will see you again.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm very confused
My sister threatens me with a feckin' knife
Not a butter knife, a legit, serrated cooking knife
Multiple times, on a daily basis
And all my dad says is
"She probably got it from you."
I know her well enough to know that if she gets mad, she won't hesitate

@Pickles group

I'm very confused
My sister threatens me with a feckin' knife
Not a butter knife, a legit, serrated cooking knife
Multiple times, on a daily basis
And all my dad says is
"She probably got it from you."
I know her well enough to know that if she gets mad, she won't hesitate

Carry a bigger one

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm very confused
My sister threatens me with a feckin' knife
Not a butter knife, a legit, serrated cooking knife
Multiple times, on a daily basis
And all my dad says is
"She probably got it from you."
I know her well enough to know that if she gets mad, she won't hesitate

Carry a bigger one

I'll get in trouble


Uuughhh vent time.

My anxiety is at one of the highest levels. I'm so frantic, yet hopeless. My school has released a survey with "would you rathers" like "would you rather go to school every other day or every other week?" And a bunch of other depressing both-options-suck questions. I know school can suck, but it's less sucky than my house. I already suffer every summer, and now it's been quarantine+summer, and now there isn't even assurance that school will be normal? I need school. I'm already losing it, and I mean that with all seriousness. My brain, my life is making less and less sense. I've already lost so much, I can't lose school. I need some sort of home, some sort of normalcy. Plus a school councelor might be my only way to get any real, caring attention for my mental health, what am I supposed to do if I can't contact one face to face? I can't use my email, parents have access to that. I'm really losing it. Not to mention real life friends. I already have weak friendships, a weak school schedual would take that away too. God, I wanna run away.

Great now I'm crying.

I keep promising myself and hoping things will get better, and they can't get any worse. But then things do get worse. It's almost comical. I can't take things like this anymore. I know it's silly to throw a fit about less school, but I guess this is just one of those straw that broke the camel's back situations. So much stress has been building up. I can't take much more. I'm so weak.

@darling-velocipede group

Uuughhh vent time.

My anxiety is at one of the highest levels. I'm so frantic, yet hopeless. My school has released a survey with "would you rathers" like "would you rather go to school every other day or every other week?" And a bunch of other depressing both-options-suck questions. I know school can suck, but it's less sucky than my house. I already suffer every summer, and now it's been quarantine+summer, and now there isn't even assurance that school will be normal? I need school. I'm already losing it, and I mean that with all seriousness. My brain, my life is making less and less sense. I've already lost so much, I can't lose school. I need some sort of home, some sort of normalcy. Plus a school councelor might be my only way to get any real, caring attention for my mental health, what am I supposed to do if I can't contact one face to face? I can't use my email, parents have access to that. I'm really losing it. Not to mention real life friends. I already have weak friendships, a weak school schedual would take that away too. God, I wanna run away.

Great now I'm crying.

I keep promising myself and hoping things will get better, and they can't get any worse. But then things do get worse. It's almost comical. I can't take things like this anymore. I know it's silly to throw a fit about less school, but I guess this is just one of those straw that broke the camel's back situations. So much stress has been building up. I can't take much more. I'm so weak.

it's going to be alright, love. you're not weak, you're exhausted. things have been very weird for a long time and it's only natural for it to grate at a person. priority one is your health right now– specifically, remember you're allowed to be upset. brain chemicals are what's at work. they're gross and impractical, but you can't get around them. your healthiest solution is to let them out. idk what your specific coping mechanisms are, but cry, journal, write angst, scream into a pillow, go for a run, tear up paper, paint, sleep, re-watch/re-read/re-listen to your favorite media. don't panic, blame, or hurt yourself. if you feel you're at risk of self destructive behavior, text home to 741741 (assuming you're in the united states) and talk to one of their incredible counselors.
after that, you'll be in better shape to work on long term mental health stuff. i suggest talking to your parents about it, though i don't know what your relationship with them is like. if you feel like you're falling apart, it's worth giving it a shot to get in touch with a professional.


Thanks Dom, and thank you too Darling. It's nice to be reminded that it's ok to feel, well like shit lol.

@darling-velocipede group

Thanks Dom, and thank you too Darling. It's nice to be reminded that it's ok to feel, well like shit lol.

any time, love. there's no way to directly combat your emotions, and in my experience in the kind of situation you're in right now the whole "power of positive thinking" thing is worse than useless. take care of yourself <3

@Pickles group

I bit the sides of my tongue and now it extra doesn't fit in my mouth right

It's very hard to eat which is upsetting because eating is one of my favorite things to do

Deleted user



Being ignored by your parents like that is one of the worst feelings. I'm sorry that happened, Reed.

Deleted user

it's just, my dad at least tries
my mom just throws down everything, sometimes she acts like someone I think a parent should be, but than she turns around and makes me want to throw myself off a bridge