forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Owen you are way too nice…and way too smart……I'm surprised you…don't hate me already….

Aw thank you :)
And of course I don't hate you.


Your patience and niceness reservoir is infinitely greater than mine and I'm a little jealous

Thanks my dude

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

late to the party as usual but YES ALWAYS SPOOKY SEASON
also, Ella, I understand that it can be hard, but you don't need to be scared to tell people about your problems. You sound like you might need some help, and as everyone else has said better, AAAAAGHGHH I GIVE UP I CAN'T GIVE ADVICE OR BE INSPIRATIONAL YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING BASICALLY JUST WHAT @Owen SAID

@Mojack group

One month until I get four teeth pulled out (most of which are adult teeth to make room for braces)
Which means one month until I experience pain and soreness 😎
(I’ll be out for the surgery but I already know when I wake up I’ll be in pain. I had one tooth removed a few months ago and that area was sore for a little over a week, interested to see how much four teeth will hurt.) Honestly I think the only two parts I’m worried about are the IV (I don’t like things being injected into my body) and the after pain, but if I had to choose which one I’m more worried about it would be the after pain.

In the meantime I have a digital imaging (for braces, it’s for a brace mold and I’ve never heard of them doing it digitally so that’ll be interesting?) next Monday and I’ll be getting braces in August

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Yeah really. One of the last times I was there, the movie that was playing was shudders live-action Aladdin. It wouldn't have been as bad if it hadn't been for the Genie. He doesn't look like a genie, he looks like Will Smith painted blue!!!!
(but last time they played Tangled so I forgive them)

@HighPockets group

They played a soap opera at my appointment today (normal dentist, not ortho. I've never had braces since I've only got 2 crooked teeth)


I went through three and a half years of mouth pain, jaw realignment, and lies from the orthodontists. That shiz becomes traumatizing after a while. Never again.


Eh, sad (and kind of hypocritical) vent incoming-
I've been making plans to try again with my parents to get some professional help. I've made three backup plans to get help if they choose to ignore it again. Some way or another, the hope is to end up with a therapist.
But I was just thinking. What then, after that? I find a therapist, get signed up for about six weeks, probably. I don't even know if it'll help. My biggest fear right now is that nothing will help. I'll go through all this trouble to sit in a room and have some awkward conversations, then go home to being suicidal again. I don't know. I don't want to have to make these decisions. Especially when they might not even benefit me in any way. I'm just hella sad right now.

Deleted user

[Vent about Body stuff. I’m not sure if it’d be TW but I’m gonna spoil it anyway]

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh, Emi. The problem with your condition is that it's all in your head. None of us can do anything about it until you change your own mind. I can't be certain. But I'm pretty sure your body is just fine.


@Pickles group

My dad just came in and gave me a two and a half page letter that I do not want to read. As far as I can tell, it's a load of shit and fake advice and "I miss you already because you're always in your room" and at the end he's like "please get back to me" (that part I can see because he has the last part on top) and I just
I don't want to
I don't even want to read it because what I did read was so frustrating and I've tried to explain why I don't like it and he shrugs me of
but I'm kind of hoping that there's something in there I can reasonably bounce off of to say I think there's something wrong with me please get me help

@Pickles group

Wait what? That seems like such an odd way to talk to an offspring.

He just walked in and handed me it like "this is for you". And I really don't like letters. Writing them to people I know and see every day seems so weird. Like. I have to see you and wonder if you've read this thing I was forced to do and don't really mean. We had to ask a family member to write a letter to us in English once and it was weird. But now I've gotten weird letters from both my parents

Deleted user

“You don’t really look different” answer
Honestly this answer is not only bull, but also pretty rude.

I didn’t get this, but I’m afraid of it

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Wait what? That seems like such an odd way to talk to an offspring.

He just walked in and handed me it like "this is for you". And I really don't like letters. Writing them to people I know and see every day seems so weird. Like. I have to see you and wonder if you've read this thing I was forced to do and don't really mean. We had to ask a family member to write a letter to us in English once and it was weird. But now I've gotten weird letters from both my parents

What was the other one?


@Pickles group

Wait what? That seems like such an odd way to talk to an offspring.

He just walked in and handed me it like "this is for you". And I really don't like letters. Writing them to people I know and see every day seems so weird. Like. I have to see you and wonder if you've read this thing I was forced to do and don't really mean. We had to ask a family member to write a letter to us in English once and it was weird. But now I've gotten weird letters from both my parents

What was the other one?

I asked my mom by giving her the paper the assignment was on. Idr what was in it though

I'm skimming this one and he's like please don't make your life decisions based on what you think we want you to do. But I have to go along with everything they say for now because otherwise I get yelled at. I'm not allowed to disagree but apparently I'm not allowed to go along with stuff either and now I'm crying again do I have to stop because if I don't I'll still be crying at dinner