forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


tell them what though?
they aren’t aware of my fears, i specifically left those out cause i didn’t want treatment for them
how do i explain? what do i need to inform them of?


Is it almost 10 o'clock? yes. Are my parents asleep? yes. Is my dad's room right next to my bathroom? also yes. Conclusion: 84% chance I will get yelled at 19% chance I will actually say what happened


Get a trampoline and jump?

Ah, you must be a tall person.

Yep. I'm either 6'2" or 6'3". I'm not exactly sure, but I'm definitely somewhere between the two. Lol

Nice. You're pretty much exactly 1 foot taller than me and I don't know how to feel about that

@saor_illust school

hhhhhhhh i wrote a vent like
three hours ago
and now i look at it and go
now how on earth did i feel that way??

i do like how i apologised to my can-actually-think-straight self in advance tho
cause i knew this would happen
it always does

Deleted user

To all my fellow Cosplayers!
It's ALWAYS spooky season!!!
I have a new cosplay in mind, If you know Miraculous Ladybug, I'll be doing a masquerade version of her.
If anyone of you have Tik Tok you can go check out my other cosplay ideas!!!


Ella, you can't pick and choose what you get treated for. Like it or not, you are sick. You're mentally ill. Imagine if I had flu symptoms and a broken, deformed ankle, so I go see the doctor. I come back with flu medicine, but no cast or boot for my ankle. Because I chose not to mention it, it's still a bloody mess. The ankle will get worse and worse and as time goes on and I choose not to bring it up to anyone, it becomes more irreversible. I'll have foot pain forever and that one bone sticking out is starting to rot, so they probably can't fix it. My medicine is gone, but I don't feel any better because it wasn't the flu. It was really a body wide infection caused by my wounded ankle. Flu medicine doesn't fix infection. I'm still sick, and getting sicker because I don't bother to bring it up to my doctor.
Don't be like that.
You can't hide things from your doctor like this. Luckily, you're still just starting treatment plans, so tell your parents you think you should go back to the doctor. Whether they make an appointment or you have a virtual one, somehow tell your doctor "Hey, there's some other things I think I should tell you about, and these pills are affecting it." It's ok to tell them what you're feeling and your thought process, and you should. Tell them why you've been skipping. They need to know this information so they know how to treat you. Don't think you know better than them and you can "work around" what you don't want them to know. Tell them everything. And do it soon.

Deleted user

Okay so I'm just going to rant about myself real quick.
I hate how I always mess up. Whether it's with friends in real life, or relationships.
I messed up so bad on here. Some of you don't like me, most of you probably don't care.
I just want to know how I can be better, I'm upset at how I am. How I act in some circumstances.
I wish I could go back and change my ways. Change my choices. Just change myself. I've been a crazy mess since, well, forever. I hate how I fall in love with the troublesome and psychotic…. and suicidal… and..just.
I feel like I'm going to explode, My anxiety may get the best of me, My anger may get over and control my actions… I wish I didn't fuck up all the time…… I want a redo….


At least you can recognize and acknowledge your mistakes. Not everyone can do that. Once you've apologized and payed your dues, there's a point where it's not on you to feel guilty anymore.

Deleted user

But I still do…….thats the thing…and i'm really not trying to be a pity party…i just…..fuck……i'm giving up on grammar for this response………………… I wish….I could….prove myself to be better.


Working on yourself takes time, and you have to be patient with yourself. You're on the right track with wanting to be better, but you shouldn't be mad at yourself for not already being better, or for not having been better back then. You have to move forward in order the be better.

Deleted user

@Owen you are way too nice…and way too smart……I'm surprised you…don't hate me already….

@Pickles group

Working on yourself takes time, and you have to be patient with yourself. You're on the right track with wanting to be better, but you shouldn't be mad at yourself for not already being better, or for not having been better back then. You have to move forward in order the be better.

Your patience and niceness reservoir is infinitely greater than mine and I'm a little jealous