forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

You know how to swipe your eyes nicely, right?

No please explain
Also my face gets super blotchy even after it's been a while, and my voice and hands are still shaky. Which is why irl after I've cried and feel better, my friends don't believe me. I'm also always much more liable to break down in tears again after.
But I only cry tears of frustration in public anymore. They're too hard to control.

Deleted user

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So pretty much it's down to not rubbing your eyes. Then you can just slide your fingers under your eyes, pointers, middle fingers, and then ring fingers. Then your eyes aren't red and and your cheeks aren't tearstained.


@darling-velocipede group

@Kie group

Why are contacts so difficult to put in like I want to see not become enraged enough to commit several war crimes


"'But antidepressants will make me lose my spark' I thought, while unable to eat, leave my apartment, or write just one sentence for six months"

If that isn't me right now-


How long have you had contacts?
I've had mine for years and I've never really had any trouble with them

@Pickles group

If you've had them for a while and wear them regularly, they might not be the right kind for you and you should tell your eye doctor, but if you haven't been wearing them that long, you're probably just not used to putting them in. It gets easier.


Random complaint: my butt hurts. I was out at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri at my grandpa's cousin's house, and he took us out and towed a blow up raft behind the boat, and I was in the raft a lot. And my butt hurts. And my arms and thighs are sunburned

Deleted user

words need to be spoken
I wasn't online at all today, and I would've stayed off but I didn't want to worry anyone.
we need to speak
all of y'all
and moi

Deleted user

maybe tomorrow morning instead so I can say goodbye to a few more people.