forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I've got the opposite. My mom is more caring and understanding, while my dad always makes rude jokes about me ("it's all in fun….learn to take a joke!") and literally tried to trip me because I threw a beach ball at his head.

Deleted user

I just wish that I could show them just how toxic they are

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My parents let my sister get away with anything, and I'll get blamed for any bad behaviors she picks up. She threatens me with a knife on a daily basis, and I told my dad about it, and he just says that she probably learned it from me. I can't even try and resist, or she'll scream, and I'll get in more trouble.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I am sending so much virtual sympathy to yall rn. As I've said before, I absolutely cannot express serious emotions, but I wish only the best for you all. I hope you all get the justice you deserve. please forgive me for not emotioning correctly

Deleted user

Hi I never thought I’d say this but Billie Eilish fucking slaps

Idk what we were talking about before and I’m sorry if I’m interrupting but h o l y f u c k

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hi I never thought I’d say this but Billie Eilish fucking slaps

Idk what we were talking about before and I’m sorry if I’m interrupting but h o l y f u c k

Music or personality? ‘Cause I low-key love the second one.

@HighPockets group

I'm not too familiar with her music but she seems really chill and nice
Also she performed bad guy for the Some Good News graduation and that was really sweet

Deleted user

Her music is super good, actually

tons of brrrrrrrr base drops

so good

But she seems like a whole ass queen, i stan


I really enjoy the vibes of her songs, and just her vibe in general. Her songs also mix pretty well into my lo-fi playlist and I'm loving it


Conflicting emoticons are conflicting.
Like brain, start producing the chemicals that you're supposed to. Get it together.

@Pickles group

In a not so surprising twist, I go section leader. It's nice to have it confirmed even though I'm the only one who applied

@GameMaster group

I'm reading The Night Circus and I think I like it but honestly I have no clue what's happening. The writing style is certainly unique.

@HighPockets group

Oh, that's on my TBR! I'm currently reading The Deep by Rivers Solomon (which is really interesting so far, I'm digging the concept, like The Giver but with mermaids) and Frozen Beauty by Lexa Hillyer, which is cringe and awful and I'll probably dnf it because it does not deserve that beautiful cover.