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I read it just last year with the class, it's just.. I don't think there are words for The Giver. One of the best books I've read.

@HighPockets group

I read it for school in 6th grade, and I remember everyone freaking out over the ending
Funnily enough, both books that we read for class that year had open endings lol

@Pickles group

I read it in school in seventh grade. Seventh grade me didn't like it, but seventh grade me didn't like much of anything


We read Farenheit 451 last year too, and boy oh boy when I say that book CHANGED me- you better believe it. It also led me to find my all time favorite author, Ray Bradbury.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I read it in fourth or fifth grade, because it was there and I've always been reading a few grades ahead.
I've reread it over and over again, and the ending is still surprising.

@Pickles group

I read it in fourth or fifth grade, because it was there and I've always been reading a few grades ahead.
I've reread it over and over again, and the ending is still surprising.

I feel like the only one who isn't shook by the end

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

@GameMaster group

We read Farenheit 451 last year too, and boy oh boy when I say that book CHANGED me- you better believe it. It also led me to find my all time favorite author, Ray Bradbury.

I love his short stories but I don’t really vibe with his novels. The plot is always amazing but it always feels very detached from the characters


We read Farenheit 451 last year too, and boy oh boy when I say that book CHANGED me- you better believe it. It also led me to find my all time favorite author, Ray Bradbury.

I love his short stories but I don’t really vibe with his novels. The plot is always amazing but it always feels very detached from the characters

I interpret it differently I guess, because whatever happened to Montag happened to me lol. I was very attached.

@Pickles group

We read Farenheit 451 last year too, and boy oh boy when I say that book CHANGED me- you better believe it. It also led me to find my all time favorite author, Ray Bradbury.

I love his short stories but I don’t really vibe with his novels. The plot is always amazing but it always feels very detached from the characters

His short stories slap

@HighPockets group

Similar to Jyn, my favorite book came from school. My school had this thing called Battle of the Books where you had to read a bunch of books and then answer super-obscure questions about them. This is where I found the masterpiece that is Cinder.

I found Cinder through my school's library, iirc!
We did Lit Circles (aka like 4/5 person book clubs) and that's where I found The False Prince, which I loved

@Pickles group

I found The Hunger Games in eighth grade in the library when we were forced to check out books. I already knew it existed though. And I found Inkheart (didn't end up reading it though). But I had trouble returning it so I don't use the school libraries. The one at my HS sucks ass.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I got The Hunger Games for Christmas in 6th grade, then I disappeared for like a week to binge-read
Also, this is gonna be random, but:
Throwback to 6th or 7th grade when half the class went to the mall and got matching t-shirts and I felt left out then I remembered that I dislike most of them

@Pickles group

I read divergent in fifth grade

Ooh, Divergent was good!

I read it in seventh grade and this kid and I finished Allegiant around the time we had to partner up and do a book project thing on a book of our choice and we both looked at each other like DIVERGENT. He lived in my neighborhood. I don't really like him though. He jokingly (and loudly) called me a furry in the hallway during musical last year when I said I didn't want to sleep with guys or girls

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

We read Farenheit 451 last year too, and boy oh boy when I say that book CHANGED me- you better believe it. It also led me to find my all time favorite author, Ray Bradbury.

I love his short stories but I don’t really vibe with his novels. The plot is always amazing but it always feels very detached from the characters

His short stories slap

Heck yes they do. I haven't read Fahrenheit 451 (yet), but I've read several of his short stories and they always kinda punch you in the gut at the end.