forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

oh fuck i read it wrong

sorry i’m slightly delirious


My mom just yelled at me for staying in my room all day while she was out and I didn't say anything and she kept saying how I was lazy and wouldn't get anything done this summer.

In reality, I finished a book a logged the minutes for my English class this year, got two different letters written, signed, and had the envelopes decorated and ready to send tomorrow, finished my history for the day and studied for the unit test tomorrow, picked up my room, did my laundry, planned out my jacket design that I want to do, did 5 pages of my herb journal (I put a lot of detail into each page) and did some embroidery. I felt pretty productive, but then when my mom came out and yelled at me, it felt like all of that went down the drain and I did nothing today

Deleted user

does anyone just tan rather than sunburn?

I don’t remember the last time i had a bad sunburn


My mom gets mad at me when I wear jeans in the summer, but then chastise's me when I wear shorts because I am too pale and also I can never go outside because she gives me 30 trillion things to do, and yes my job is outside, but our uniforms are a polo shirt (Why a polo in 110* weather, IDK) and black pants that reach the knee, so I just wear leggings or yoga pants and basically never get tan or sunburned


I almost never show any skin except face/wrists, and sometimes forearms (but I'd rather not). A big part of that is because of the desert sun. Sunscreen only goes so far. Headscarves, jackets, and hats are a must out here for outdoorsy stuff, I'd say.