forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


There are these kids I've babysat since their eldest (7) was 3. They moved away and the mom randomly texted me say "the kids miss you, do you think you could write them a letter?" and I've procrastinated on it for like a week, because what do you write to a 7, 5, and 1 year old?

@HighPockets group

I thought grades only went to 100?

Hermoine got 112% on her first Charms exam. Hmm. Maybe I qualify as an HP nerd.

Also extra credit questions, but idk if Dom had any

@Pickles group

Time for another round of "Am I a good liar or is everyone else just a dumbass and why won't people call me on my shit when I need them to?" Mm I love this game

@HighPockets group

What was the reason that you joked about? I have a not-great memory sometimes

Self harm probably.

Ella, if you are self-harming, put the knife down and go to your parents, especially if your meds aren't right

@Pickles group

Time for another round of "Am I a good liar or is everyone else just a dumbass and why won't people call me on my shit when I need them to?" Mm I love this game

Sounds interesting.

Now it's time to cry more and be frustrated and angry with everyone :)))

@HighPockets group

I want to die so badly but I can’t even draw blood…

Ella. Don't.
Talk to your parents and get your meds adjusted, please-
Suicide is never a solution.


i put the knife down a few minutes ago
couldn’t really bring up the bravery to do anything except a few invisible scratches
i could technically get my parents but i am mostly safe right now, it’s not urgent, I’ll say something tomorrow