forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Pfft. Why would I listen to Molly? She's dead.


@HighPockets group

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Pfft. Why would I listen to Molly? She's dead.

We can change that, right Liz?

@Pickles group

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Pfft. Why would I listen to Molly? She's dead.

We can change that, right Liz?

No of course not what makes you say that


My friend. This sounds a lot worse than it is. Seriously. My issues with paranoia are a lot more serious. And even with that I can live a pretty normal life. (Except when I don't want to bc normalcy is boring.)
I understand your concerns. But it's under control. It's been getting better. Because I have been making it better. Lol this is gonna make me sound crazy, but for me it is easier to control my mind. (Or the rest of y'all aren't trying very hard. One of the two.)
It's very rare. But it's getting better. I'm pretty sure I haven't spilled my own blood in self harm in more than a year. And it was spotty the year before that.

Hmmmmmmmm I still suggest you get help, at least eventually. I'm proud and happy for you for working on your mind, but there comes a point where you can only do so much by yourself. Just be sure to recognize when you reach that point. There's no shame in asking for/getting help. Keep a close eye on your mental health status, write down any variant.

@HighPockets group

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Pfft. Why would I listen to Molly? She's dead.

We can change that, right Liz?

No of course not what makes you say that

The dead dog on the operating table. Clearly.

@Pickles group

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Pfft. Why would I listen to Molly? She's dead.

We can change that, right Liz?

No of course not what makes you say that

The dead dog on the operating table. Clearly.


@HighPockets group

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Pfft. Why would I listen to Molly? She's dead.

We can change that, right Liz?

No of course not what makes you say that

The dead dog on the operating table. Clearly.


We're carefully taught.


Crafty as in witchcrafty, clever, or arts-and-crafts?


I reloaded the page fully expecting for somebody to say this, and you did not disappoint.

Glad to be of service, Ash :D

Deleted user

in the last few hours I have:

  • Made a terrarium (it's adorable and I love it sm)
  • Found an old purple circular bulletin board under my bed and painted it black, replaced the green flowery fabric with denim, hung it on my wall and put my pins on it
  • Rearranged my altar
  • Cleaned and reorganized my desk and four shelves
  • Painted two picture framed black and wrote dates on them
  • Covered a small box in book pages because aesthetic
  • Put my moonwater in a new bottle and decorated said bottle uwu

I'm about to do a page in my grimoire

@HighPockets group

in the last few hours I have:

  • Made a terrarium (it's adorable and I love it sm)
  • Found an old purple circular bulletin board under my bed and painted it black, replaced the green flowery fabric with denim, hung it on my wall and put my pins on it
  • Rearranged my altar
  • Cleaned and reorganized my desk and four shelves
  • Painted two picture framed black and wrote dates on them
  • Covered a small box in book pages because aesthetic
  • Put my moonwater in a new bottle and decorated said bottle uwu

I'm about to do a page in my grimoire

D: you're infinitely more productive than me