forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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i don’t want to

For why

because they’re making my paranoia fade away and that’s beyond terrifying

So they're making you worry less?


they're making me vulnerable

Paranoia doesn't make you strong. That's a bunch of bullshit.

Paranoia weakens you and keeps you from your life. Paranoia can develop into delusion, which is a scary and debilitating experience. Lowering your baseline anxiety level does not make you vulnerable. If anything it makes you more aware of what's going on around you, because you don't have a cloud of "what ifs" blocking your veiw. You'll be able to understand more and make better decisions. Without paranoia, your judgement is sharper.
Besides, you can't just stop treatment. If you stop taking those pills so suddenly, you could go through withdrawals and it's more than likely that suicidal and other dark thoughts with flood back stronger than before. You can't mess with your brain chemistry like that. Take them as instructed. Be consistent.

Deleted user

haha bitch

just the start

i cannot explain how much this made me laugh. i know im in for a trip in the next seasons, or a least that's what my friend keeps telling me.

Deleted user

I dislike shots
they don't even hurt me that much but the idea of a needle being stuck through my skin and into my muscle to inject or take out a liquid always psyches me out
like when I got my iv during surgery
it was no bueno
because fun fact
ivs (at least the ones they put in the back of your hand)
to put in
and hurt more than shots

Deleted user

mine was in the back of my bony ass hand and it hurt
maybe they don't usually take long and my anesthesiologist was just a dumbass idk


Getting my blood drawn is fun times. The lady who does it for me is a big medical nerd like me, so we lowkey geek out over it. She's cool.

@GameMaster group

I have deep veins that like to dodge needles and collapse so when I got IV for my endoscopy they hAD TO STICK ME FOUR TIMES. The last time was right before the procedure bc they realized that the vein they previously hit had collapses and they did it in the veins in the front of the wrist and it hurt way worse than everywhere else. I said “Fucking hell” in front of my dad and four doctors before being knocked out.


My veins are fucking tiny and they can never find them
Once I was stabbed 13 times and they still couldn't get enough blood so it was for nothing

Deleted user

honestly if my children ever have to get ivs I'll 100000% allow them to swear

sometimes you just gotta go "ssssshITTTTTT" when they stab that fucker in

@GameMaster group

Blood drawing isn’t that bad, IV is way worse for some reason. I have get blood drawn every six months and I've never had a problem with that.


I have a huge fear of needles, knives, sharp pointy stuff, etc and getting my blood draw is literally the worst I've actually passed out once.

Deleted user

I dislike shots

My stupid ass thought you were on about alcohol :/

you really thought
that I, of all people
was talking about alcohol?

@The-Magician group

I dislike shots

My stupid ass thought you were on about alcohol :/

you really thought
that I, of all people
was talking about alcohol?

That’s why I said “my stupid ass”.
I know for a fact you don’t like the subject of alcohol which was why I was confused as to why you would be talking about it.

Deleted user

I’ve said it before so I don’t know why I’m gonna bother again.

I’ve been in and out of the hospital my entire life, have had almost every single vaccine I could ever have except one, since I’m not sexually active, and get the flu shot every single year. Needles never did, nor ever will bother me. I got IVs on the inside of my arm where my veins were more visible, and my hands aren’t boney (no part of my body is lmfao), so basically I’m a blank canvas for IV sticks. Not only that but I had a picc line (the one on the right was my model of picc) when I had staff in my hand. Still got the scar on my upper arm. That shit hurt like a bitch.

so yeah needles never bother me gang

Deleted user

picc lines go up your arm and through your bronchial vein yummy


i forgot the topic and thought you meant pickup lines but spelled stupidly and was super confused
turns out the only thing stupid here was me