forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Ah, no, I just have a fondness for torture methods.

@saor_illust school

okay but is it just me who constantly doubts their abilities in certain areas?

like, i have about a month until auditions end and i have to send in a video and i'm really nervous about it and i feel like i'm not gonna get in, even though it's just an audition to something not even that important

also, one of my friends makes music on youtube, and just offhandedly mentioned that the visual aspect of the videos aren't as fun to him as the music making is so he said, and i quote, "One of these days I wanna find someone who's good at art and do some sort of collaboration."
so now i go, hmmm well i think i'm decently okay at art but at the same time am i really that good at art? that'd be really cool, but i don't think i'm good at art at all anymore, like
i feel like i suck now
so now i'm just stuck here, in the middle of the night
at 2pm feeling like i just suck at art and music

ahahahahahha it's such a fun feeling :)))))))))))

@The-Magician group

Ah we love Precordial catch syndrome! Nothing better than crying down the phone very abruptly because breathing is just a massive pain.
I swear my body hates me, it’s been doing this for 4 or 5 years now?
My doctor thought it was related to my asthma, but no. She didn’t even check for PCS.

I’m too tired for this.

Deleted user

i know this is stupid but i am on season five of south park and i am fucking bawling. can we just go back to the aborted fetuses please? kenny always dies why is it so emotional this time around??? i can't watch eric and kyle just hold on to each other like that, what the fuck.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

so im about to go back to a website where i have a lot of good memories but i havent been there in years and im so scared what if something goes wrong what if i forgot my login what if it doesn't work is this what anxiety feels like

Deleted user

Oh goodness I have that feeling every time I go to school. ((at least when I was in school.))

@saor_illust school

so uh
i had a late night ramble
and during that
i figured out that i have like
a big aesthetic attraction to two people in particular
is this normal?
i feel like i could stare at pictures of them for hours
and they're so prettyyyyy
and cute
and ljksdfjlkds

@saor_illust school

yeah kljsfdklj
i don't know if this is normal or not
i know i always say yall are cuter and prettier than me
(which i still think btw)
but like
it isn't a huge aesthetic attraction for me
(don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that yall aren't as pretty as them, i just like their aesthetic a bit more)
this is really strange


so uh
i had a late night ramble
and during that
i figured out that i have like
a big aesthetic attraction to two people in particular
is this normal?
i feel like i could stare at pictures of them for hours
and they're so prettyyyyy
and cute
and ljksdfjlkds

that’s normal
i’m the same way
they’re just so precious i wanna squish em-

@saor_illust school

so uh
i had a late night ramble
and during that
i figured out that i have like
a big aesthetic attraction to two people in particular
is this normal?
i feel like i could stare at pictures of them for hours
and they're so prettyyyyy
and cute
and ljksdfjlkds

that’s normal
i’m the same way
they’re just so precious i wanna squish em-

oh ok
i know right?
i just wanna tell them that they're so pretty and cute and-
everything but like
they're kinda dating?
and quite a bit older than me?
so uh
it'd be reaaaaally awkward
and i still haven't come out to very many people yet besides nb