forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Remember the spaghetti that gave testimony?

i was that bitch

@darling-velocipede group

i'm messaging with a person online who's designing a cover for a wip of mine and they said the project looks really good so i went to type out "thanks love you're sweet" and somehow wound up typing "thanks love you're week" then i saw that and without thinking went "*weak" so uh yeah that's the vibe for today

@Pickles group

Ughhhhh it's that time again where I found a new temporary obsession and all I want to do is talk about it but I can't without being weird and creepy
This happens all the time and I'm sick of it. And then eventually it wears off and I don't really like the thing anymore unless it's a friend
Why does this happen so much

@Pickles group

i'm messaging with a person online who's designing a cover for a wip of mine and they said the project looks really good so i went to type out "thanks love you're sweet" and somehow wound up typing "thanks love you're week" then i saw that and without thinking went "*weak" so uh yeah that's the vibe for today

Am I terrible for laughing so hard?

@Pickles group

shhh, that stays in the pm

Let's execute him for treason





@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ughhhhh it's that time again where I found a new temporary obsession and all I want to do is talk about it but I can't without being weird and creepy
This happens all the time and I'm sick of it. And then eventually it wears off and I don't really like the thing anymore unless it's a friend
Why does this happen so much

Well what is it?

@Pickles group

Ughhhhh it's that time again where I found a new temporary obsession and all I want to do is talk about it but I can't without being weird and creepy
This happens all the time and I'm sick of it. And then eventually it wears off and I don't really like the thing anymore unless it's a friend
Why does this happen so much

Well what is it?

Well I know you didn't ask, but so far this year (in order) it's been hate reading pretty little liars, Eva, Nice But Not, badly sketching things, crocheting, making friendship bracelets and rewatching e v e r y t h i n g, and Starkid (now. In case you couldn't tell by half my comments today)
And that's just off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure I'm missing stuff. Malina Weissman in there somewhere, but also last year. And this didn't start this year either, it's been a thing for as long as I can remember, just when I was little I could go longer without getting bored